Chapter 42

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I slam my car door and bang my hands against the steering wheel. I am so tired of everything. I have to go see Vivianna. I can't leave things like this. I need to explain and clear everything. I'm not going to go down with out a fight. I will fight for our love till my very last breath. She's the love of my life. I couldn't imagine myself with any one other than her.  I reverse and head out to Vivi's.

I arrive at her house and spot her dad doing some yard work. I pull up and a look of confusion appears on Mr. Gomez face.

"Kalin?" He said

I shut my door and walk over to him with my hands in my pocket. "Hey sir. I know this may not be the best time. But i need to see Vivi!"

" Did she not tell you?"  He asked in confusion

"Tell me what?"

"She... Um... Vivi she moved back to Florida.

Did I just hear what I thought I heard. No this can't be. I am in complete utter shock. I don't even know how to respond.  I feel motionless.  Unable to spit out words.  Why would she leave.? I guess she was telling the truth. She doesn't love me anymore.  I just don't understand.

Mr.Gomez walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder.  "Kalin?  Are you alright?." He asked.

No I wasn't alright. I just got told the person I love with all my heart moved to the other side of the country. My other half is gone. And for what seems like gone for good.

"When did she leave?  I just seen her yesterday."

"She left last night..."

"Do you mind if I ask why she left? Did she want to? I'm just so confused. I don't understand why she didn't tell me she was leaving.

"I'm not sure why she didn't. That was the whole reason for her going to see you yesterday.  I am sure she had a reason to not tell you. Well I'll tell you why she left. I'm not sure if you knew she got into a fight?" Mr.Gomez said.

" She didn't mention it to me but I put the pieces together and figured that out."

"Well that's correct. Vivianna got expelled from the incident! She's been having a lot of problems lately.  So me and Veronica thought the best was for her to go back to Florida and live with her grandparents."

It's a relief to hear Vivi didn't leave because she wanted to get away from me. But it still doesn't help the situation. I just wish she was by my side.

"I want the best for her. She's my everything.  As much as i want her with me. I just want her to be happy and I know I've caused her a lot of problems. But i believe one day we will reunite. This is not the end. I love her unconditionally. And I'll never give up on us."

Mr. Gomez leans closer to me and wraps his arms around me. "You're a great man Kalin. I wish things would have been different. If you ever need anything. Just know my doors are open." He said.

I hug him back and a few tears fall down. "Thank you Mr.Gomez! It means more than you think it does." I wipe away my tears and walk back to my car.



My flight landed last night. It still hasn't hit me i am back home in Florida.  I've missed it so much.  More than I thought I did.  I tried my best to convince my parents for me to stay in the bay. I still can't believe I actually wanted to stay in Cali.! Now that I am here. I realized this was the best for me. I had nothing but problems. God knows what I would have done if I would have stayed any longer. I was slowly but surely falling apart.

I take a deep breath and sigh.... Kalin my love. It was for the better. We just weren't meant for one another. He will always hold the key to my heart but it's time to move on with our lives. And go our separate ways....

SORRY IF IT WAS SHORT AND BORING!! IT WAS KIND OF JUST A FILLER. I HAD SOME TIME TO WRITE SO I DECIDED TO UPDATE. You guys I'm like so depressed rn. I just want to cry my eyes out. Kalin and Myles are in Orlando right now. That's only 40 minutes away from me. And i can't go cause I'm freaking broke. ughhh the struggle is real........ anyways don't forget to vote and comment please.!!! Thank you so much for 4k+ reads(:  I luhhh yaaaa. ♡

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