Chapter 26

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-Two Months later-


It's been two months since I've been in the bay.  I haven't gotten use to the LA life. It's not the same here. And it's definitely not fun living by yourself not knowing anyone beside your next door neighbor. Noelle is the only friend i have here. She's really chill. She's living in LA to pursue her singing career and her voice is like an angel and I know she's going to go big. Myles and my mom  come down for the weekend almost every other weekend. We've  been working on new stuff. And have gotten some amazing opportunities. We even got signed to a record label. I still can't believe it. Our new song Love Robbery has been playing on the radio. We have gained almost 50k followers within these two months. Everything is so unreal. My dream I've been chasing for ever has finally come true. It happend within a blink of an eye.  I guess this was the only good thing about moving to LA . I haven't gotten over Vivianna.  I still love her. I even think I love her more than I did before. I miss her smile, laugh, voice I just miss her in general. I hope i get to see her when in a couple days when I go back to the bay for Thanksgiving.


I'm so tired of school already. Thank god thanksgiving break is next week. Finally get to leave this town. It's not as bad as i expected it to be. But i still need to get away. Every were i go it reminds me of Kalin. At school, the mall, the beach even when i am with Jc. I look at Jc and I can't help but wish it was Kalin next to me. After I found out Kalin moved. I made the decision to not break up with Jc. I couldn't do it.  I regret not doing it when i knew i should have. It will be even harder now than if I would have done it before. He took me to meet his parents a couple weeks ago. He told me how much he loved me. And how he couldn't live without me. That I was the best thing that ever happened to him. I can't break his heart again. I just cant. I know how it feels to lose someone that means the world to you. It's the most painful thing that can happen. Your heart never seems to heal. You just learn to move on and live with a broken heart.

"DING" The bell rings.

"Hey babe." Jc said while I sit down at our lunch table.

Jc and Jenn aren't friends anymore. I feel horrible because it's my fault. If I would have never asked Jc to come over. They wouldn't have gotten in a fight. Or Jenn wouldn't hate me now. She doesn't talk to me anymore. And let's just say Andrea is an even bigger bitch than before. Her, Andrea, & Andrew sit at another table on the other side of the cafeteria. So it's just Me, Gabbi, Ronnie,  & Jc.

"Yeah Tasia told me she is okay. She just got a stomach virus. And is too sick to come to school." Gabbi said to Ronnie.

I wonder who she is talking about.

"Who has a stomach virus?" I asked being nosey.

"Melissa. She has a horrible stomach virus. She was in the hospital for two days. She barley got out this morning but she doesn't want any visitors.  Yeah we're not friends anymore. But I've been known her since 6th grade and I just hope she is okay." Gabbi said sounding concerned.

Now I know why she hasn't been at school all week. It's been so peaceful without her.

"Oh damn. I hope she is okay. Yeah we hate eachother but I don't wish for anything bad to happen to her."  I said.

"So is she doing better?" Jc asked.

I almost forgot Jc and Melissa were a thing before. And from what I heard he really loved her. I don't know the reason why they broke up. Even if you're not with your ex anymore. You still care about them and don't wish for anything to happen to them. Well for most people.

"Yeah she's still a little sick. I guess that's why she doesn't want no one to see her. You know Melissa. She's weird like that." Gabbi answered Jc.

"Yeah she sure is stubborn." Jc said while smirking.


Today was a really long day. School seemed to never want to end. I grab  some Oreo and walk up stairs to my room. Why not get on twitter I have nothing better to do. I've been keeping up with Kalin lately. I know i seem stalkerish. But that's all I have. I don't get to see him other than on a screen.  Him and Myles are really famous now. They even have a record deal. That's so insane. I'm so happy for him. I know he loves singing. And appreciates all his fans.  I love there fan base name. KAMFAM. They really are one big happy family. Kalin and Myles uploaded this dance on Vine about a week ago. It was a little dance to the song wiggle.  I couldn't help but drool.  It was fucking hot. I understand why girls go crazy over them.

"Florida next week can't wait to be back in my city." I tweeted.

"Vivi." My mom shouts from downstairs. Looks like she's home already.

I hurry downstairs.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie. I'm going to make dinner does spaghetti sound okay?"

"Yup its fine with me. I'll help you"

I help my mom make dinner. While we wait for my dad to get home.  I hear the front door knob turn.

"Yum. Smells delicious. " My dad said walking over to the kitchen.

We sit down at the dinner table and start digging in. Dinner was going wonderful then it all went wrong.

"Vivi mija we have to tell you something but don't be upset?" My mom said

"Which is?"

"We can't go to Florida for Thanksgiving."

"WHAT?? You guys promised." I yell

"I know I'm so sorry mija.  I can't get vacation till March." My mom said.

"Please tell me this is a joke."

"Vivi we can't go. Well make it up to you. We can go for spring break. " My dad said trying to make me feel better.

"Bullshit. There is always something that comes up. I was looking forward to going back home.  I miss it like hell. And i was finally happy about something going on in my life. But once again. I get hit in the fucking face. " I yell.

"Vivianna do not talk to us like that. I thought we were past this stage of you disrespecting us. I will not put up with it anymore. I'm done you either lose the attitude or you lose all your privileges you decide. This is life. You don't always get what you want. I'm sorry. You think I want to see my little girl upset no. I want to give you everything you want. But sometimes you just can't as much as you try you just cant."  My dad said.

"Okay. I'm sorry if I was being rude. I'm just upset. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone. I am going to go upstairs I don't want to say anything else i will regret later. " I said and walk up to my room.

His words were nothing but the truth. "This is life. You don't always get what you want." I couldn't agree with him anymore.  Everything in my life's seem to go wrong.


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