Chapter 13

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"You look great babe." Kalin says while sitting on my couch.

"Thank you. You look great yourself.  I say walking over to him and I sit on his lap.

We stare into eachothers eyes for about 30 seconds. Then Kalin kisses me on my cheek and slowly moves down to my neck.  His hand is rubbing up and down my thigh.  While he continues to kiss me on my neck. I move his head so he can look at me. I smile at him. Then our lips collide. It starts off sweet and slow but then it gets more intense as the seconds go by.  Our tongues moved perfectly in sync.  Kalin lifts me up and lays me on the couch.  And gets on top of me. Our lips reconnect.  But the kiss is deeper and more intense. He bites the bottom of my lip. And puts his hand under my shirt rubbing up and down from my breasts to just above my pant buckle.  He moves down and starts kissing my neck. I let out a small moan. And I put my hand under his shirt. His abs feel perfect. He lifts my shirt up and lifts me off from the couch to take it off.  Then he takes his off.  "I want you Vivi.  I've wanted you since the first day I seen you" Kalin whispers into my ear. "I'm ready ." I say back. He unbuckles his belt and takes his pants off and takes a condom out from the back pocket.  He walks over to me with a smirk on his face. "Im going to make you feel amazing baby."

"Vivi wake up." My mom says while shaking me.

"Huh uh okay. I'm up I'm up. " I say

"Dinners is almost ready." She tells me and walks out my room.

"Woahhh what kind of dream was that. It was like a nightmare. I don't want to kiss Kalin let alone lose my virginity to him.  I don't want that right? It felt so real. And to be honest I liked it. I liked it a lot. No Vivi what are you thinking.  I need to stop thinking like this. This is what he wants.  He wants me to start liking him and wanting him. As much as I want to deny it Kalin is very attractive.  Who wouldn't want him? But he has a girlfriend and it's Melissa. How could he tell me he likes me? That's so disrespectful to her. As much as I don't like her. I'd hate if my boyfriend would tell some other girl he likes her.

"Vivi." My dad yells from down stairs.

My dad's home. I haven't seen him since Sunday night. It's only been two days since I've seen him. But i missed him like crazy. That's the thing I hate about his job he works way to much. And when my mom starts working so will she. I get out of bed and walk down the stairs.

"There's my favorite girl in the whole wide world." My dad says while hugging me.

" Yup I'm right here.  But if you hug me any tighter I might just suffocate and no longer be here." I say

"Sorry I've just missed my little girl so much." He says

"It's only been 2 days and I'm not a little girl no more. I'm 17!"

"You'll always be my little girl. Always remember that Vivi. " He says almost tearing up.

My dad means everything to me. I have no idea what I would do without him. He's always been there for me and my mom.  Always working hard to give us the best life.  And what have I been? I've been an ungrateful daughter. He doesn't deserve all the bullshit I give him.  I hate the way I am with my parents. I wish I could change.

"I've missed you to dad. Don't worry I know I'll always be your little Princesa." I say and hug him."

"Dinners ready" my mom yells from the kitchen.

We walk to the table and sit down.

"So how's school going?" My dad asks

"Um okay I guess. I actually got asked out for dinner Saturday. " I say nervously .

Latino dad's tend to be very strict and protective when it comes to dating.

"Like a date or a friendly dinner?" My dad asks

"Uh I guess like a date." I say

"Date? Y con quien? My dad asks.

"Jc. He's really nice and sweet." I say

"Mhm. Will I have to get my shotgun when he comes to pick you up." He says sounding serious. But i know he's joking.

"Dad. Noooo. " I say and laugh

" I thought you didn't like the guy?" My mom asks

"I never said that."

"Yes you did. When I picked you up."

"That's not the same guy that was Kalin. And hell no I'm not going on a date with him. I say

"Kalin? Another boy friend? " My dad asks

"Yes dad he's a boy. But he is definitely not my friend. "

Ugh why did my mom have to bring up Kalin. Now it's just awkward.

"Mas te vale Vivianna. " He laughs

I laugh

"Well goodnight I'm exhausted. I Love yall" I say while giving my mom and dad a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight love you too" They say

I walk up stairs and lay on my bed. Well that went better than I thought it would. I thought my dad was going to flip out. Like he did when my ex boyfriend asked me out for the first time. I've only had one serious relationship. I've talked to guys but they never became nothing more. I'm looking forward to this date with Jc. CRAP! I forgot to text Jc back. Great he probably thinks I ignored him. Which I did. But i didn't mean to ignore him this long. I grab my phone from my dresser and I text him.

"I'm so sorry I fell asleep then I forgot to text you back when i woke up. I really am sorry. I'd love talk to you. But I'm exhausted.  I just remembered right now .So I wanted to let you know i didn't mean to ignore you. Well goodnight Jc. See you tomorrow. ☺" I send to him.

Seconds later he texts back

"Don't worry about it. It's fine. Goodnight beautiful sweet dreams.  See you tomorrow.  "

Jc never fails to be so kind. He really is a great guy.

I put my phone back on my dresser and lay on my bed until I fall asleep.

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