Chapter 3

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The bright sun shinning in my room wakes me up. Ugh it's only 8:45 why is it so freaking bright already.  I get out of bed and walk out onto my balcony.  I take a deep breath and let out a sigh. Could I ever get use to living here?  I mean it's beautiful here and it's California where every one wants to live.  But I just can't seem to except that this will be my new home.

I walk down stairs after I take a shower and got ready.  It's already 10:55. I didn't realize it took me that long to get ready. "Goodmorning sleepy head. " Said my dad." Are you ready we want to go to IHOP for breakfast then hit the mall up" my mom said

"Yeah I'm ready"  I grab my bag and walk out the front door.

The restaurant is pretty full. I decide to order chicken tenders with French fries. I'm not really a breakfest person. We finish our food and we are on our way to the Westfield San Francisco Centre mall.

It's packed should have known we decided to come to the mall a week before school starts. People are doing last minute school shopping including me.

I see my favorite store Charlotte Rouse. I buy a couple cute shirts and leggings.  Then on to the next store.  As I walk through the mall I observe the style here. It's different from what I'm use to. The teens here are very stylish and unique. Back home you would see most of the teens wearing Hollister or some other  popular name brands. Like I would tell Ricky and Alexa the people at our school were pretty basic and all dressed similar. A couple people at my old school did know how to dress.They remind me of the teens here.

"Vivianna me and your dad are going to go to Jc penny's real quick here is $75 just in case you see something you like while we are gone " Said my mom.

"Alright I'll call you if I need anything"

I see Tilly's right ahead and decide to go there next.  It's crowded in here and I feel trapped but I see this really cute shirt towards the back.  I start walking over there when this girl bumps into me pushing me over into a rack of clothes.  

"What the hell watch were you are going" Says the stupid girl.

I look up to see she is extremely gorgeous. Shiny brown straight hair, tan,  and a hell of a body. She is stunning even tho her outfit is slutty. I can see her ass cheeks coming out of her shorts.

There is a guy with her and he has his arm around her shoulder. Wow he is pretty gorgeous himself.

Tall, Lean, Light skinned, Green eyes perfect rosey shaped lips and the nicest jawline. Very attractive guy.

"Maybe you should watch out were you are going" I said without thinking.

She looks at me with a surprised expression along with the rest of her friends.

"Excuse me" She said.

"Do you need a hearing aid or something cause I know i said it loud enough lemme say it again "Maybe you should watch out were you are going" I say with an attitude.

"Listening trick I don't know who you think you are but no one is going to talk to me like that"  The slut said.

"Well maybe if you would pay attention more to where you are walking you wouldn't be in this situation.  You bumped into me and you wanted to give me attitude.  I do not fucking think so." I say angrily.

"Melissa come on just ignore her  " Says some blonde chick.

Melissa I'm guessing is her name steps closer to me.

" I will warn you again watch were the hell you are going because next time your ass is going to wish you would have listened" She says and walks away with her friends.

I hadn't realized there was a small group of people surrounding us.

What the hell just happened?  I haven't even been in California for a full day yet and I'm already dealing with drama.  This is bullshit. I hate it even more now. 

"Hey" Says a guy walking towards me

"uh hey"

"Are you okay"?

"Yeah I guess. I just don't put up with people's bullshit. I tend to always snap. Without thinking."

"He giggles"

"Haha I seen. I can't believe you stood up to Melissa"

"Why not"

"Because she is the most popular girl in my entire school.  No one messes with her."

"I guess that explains why she is a snobby bitch well I don't care who she is she could have been Beyonce and I would have treated her the same way she was rude to me so I was rude right back"

  He laughs once again

"I'm Jc" He says

"Vivianna but you can call me Vivi"

"Nice to meet you Vivi hope to see you around"

"Me too what school do you go to?" I ask

"Lowell High" He says

"OMG REALLY I am too" I say sounding way to happy

"Cool I'm guessing you just moved here"

"Yup I literally just got here yesterday afternoon I moved here from Florida"

"  Wow Florida exciting I love it down there"

"  That makes two of us"

" Well I have to get back to work see you  Monday"

"Bye" I say and walk out of the store

I got so caught up into talking i didn't even realized he worked there.

I find my parents walking out of Jc penny's perfect timing.

"Hey sweetie" My mom says

"Can we go home now I've had enough of shopping today"

"Sure I am pretty tired myself" My mom says

Half way home I realized I didn't even buy the shirt I seen. I really liked it I guess I could order it online.  I've had enough of the mall and the people in it.

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