Chapter 20

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Jc and I go to my house after school. We decide to watch a movie. After 5 minutes of debating on which movie to watch.  We chose 21 jump street. The movie starts and we sit on the couch and cuddle during it. It's 5:15 when the movie is over. I want to make dinner before my mom gets home from work.

"Jc would you like to help me make dinner?" I ask him.

"Yeah. On one condition! "

"Which is?"

"I get to eat these brownies that are on the counter. " He says and laughs.

"Fine. Go ahead and eat them you fatty " I say and stick my tongue out at him.

I decide to make Beef Tacos with Rice. Jc is making sure the rice doesn't burn while I prepare the ground beef for the tacos.

"Jc I really think you should have went to Jenn's today. It was kind of rude that you bailed on her after you had already said yes a week before." 

"She'll be okay. It's not like I'm the only friend she has. She gets to caught up in her youtube channel. And she thinks everyone has time for it like she does. I've been friends with her since Middle school. She will get over it. There is always next time. "

"Still I feel bad. That I was the reason why you didn't go. What was the video going to be about anyways?" I ask

"Bestfriend tag."

"I didn't know you and Jenn were best friends? "

"Yeah. She's an amazing friend. She has been there for me. And I guess you can say I've been there for her to. I'll talk to her later and I'll apologize. " He says while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Okay I think that's the right thing to do." 

I hear the door open and back away from Jc.

"Hey Vivi." My mom says while looking at Jc.

Vivi can I speak to you for a minute.

"I'm going to go wash my hands." Jc says and leaves the kitchen.

"Vivianna.  Why is Jc here with you alone?"

"Mom it's not a big deal. We didn't do anything. And I do not plan on it to happen anytime soon. You have to trust us mom. Jc is not like that. He respects me.

" I do trust you guys. It's just you need to ask before you bring him over. Okay?

"Sorry I will next time. I made Dinner. Tacos and Rice.

"Smells delicious." My mom says

"Thanks I cooked it all. Vivi is just taking the credit. " Jc jokes while coming back into the kitchen.

"Liessss. You just stood there and ate my brownies."

" Hey. I couldn't help myself they were delicious. "

We chat and wait till my dad gets home from work then we all eat dinner together.


I'm at my house with Melissa. We are upstairs laying on my bed after doing you know what.

"When is your mom getting home?" Melissa ask while getting up to put her clothes back on.

"She should be getting her in 30 minutes."

"Did she have to pick up the brat."

" How many times do I have to tell you to not call my sister a brat."

"Well she is annoying as fuck. And don't even get me started with your mom. She's even worse."

"Melissa did your shirt shrink in the dryer. Do you put your feet on your mom's coffee table?  Blah blah blah. She's always bitching" She says mocking my mom

Melissa is really starting to piss me off. She is always complaining about something or someone.

"Can you stop already.  I'm getting tired of your shit. That's my mom you're talking about. Have some respect.  Just because you don't respect your family that doesn't mean you can disrespect mine. I say angrily.

"What the fuck Kalin. Are you really yelling at me over your bitchy mom?"

"Yeah I am. Cause I'm tired of you Melissa. I'm tired of you treating people like shit. I can't be with someone like that."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say we can't be together anymore. We will never work. I don't love you.  I thought I could but I've gotten to actually know who you truly are the past couple months and i dont like the real Melissa. I'm sorry I really am."

She's in tears now. She lifts her hand and I feel a sting on my cheek. She slapped me pretty hard.

"Fuck you Kalin. I should have known you just wanted me for sex. I'm so stupid that i thought you would change for me. That you would love me. But I'm wrong. Whose the stupid whore you've been fucking?" She yells at me.

"I have changed. I never cheated on you. I promise. I'm not like that no more. You know I'm not Melissa. I was committed to you this whole time. "

"You know what Kalin. You don't mean shit to me anyways. " She yells and storms out my room and leaves.

What the hell just happened.  Did I really just break up with Melissa? I know what I did was right. I don't love her and i didn't want her feelings for me to grow. But i feel like shit. I've never seen Melissa break down like that.  

DOUBLE UPDATE AGAIN. (: uh oh Kalin broke up with Melissa! Comment if you think he did the right thing!

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