Chapter 28

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Shit I'm not even ready. And the people who my mom invited are already here. I hate being late. Especially when it's the first time meeting new people. Defiently not a good first impression.  I spray a bit of my favorite cologne.  Then I walk downstairs.

"I'm so sorry. I'm holding you guys up. I was running late." I said walking into the dinner room.

I'm speechless and motionless.What this can't be. Vivi's at my house. Sitting at my dinner table spending thanksgiving with me and family.  I must be dreaming.

"Kalin sweetie. Are you okay?" My mom asked knowing something is up.

"Uhh yeee yeahh. Everything's good." I said stuttering on my words.

I take my seat across from the beautiful Vivianna Gomez. She looks even more stunning than I remembered. Absolutely breath taking. I know I'm smiling like an idiot.  But i could care less. It's been two long as hell months. Since I've seen the love of my life.

"Excuse me. I need to use the restroom." Vivi said barley being able to spit out the words.

"Ofcouse sweetie. The first door on your right." My mom said and Vivi gets up and walks away from the table.

Looks like nothing has changed. She seems to still not want to be around me. For a moment I thought she was pleased to see me.


Why here? Out of all the possible places to run into him why here?  I'm in Kalins bathroom whipping away my tears and trying to remove my smudged eyeliner.  My emotions took over me. It was like everyone disappeared when he walked into the room. Our eyes met and it was Magical. It once again reassured me that Kalin is the one I love and no matter how hard I try to replace him in my heart. I never will be able to. Kalin has my heart. After about 5 minutes of trying to control my emotions I walk back out. To find my dad and Kalin getting along.

"Maybe we can go to a heat game together." My dad said to Kalin.

"Yeah I'd like that. We're definitely going to have to plan a day to go. All of us." Kalin said while smiling at me.

His smile. His beautiful million dollar smile that I've missed so much.  How can someone be so perfect.

" Why did you leave to LA?" I said not meaning to actually say it out loud.

"To chase my dream." Kalin responded. 

"You guys are friends?" My dad asked

"No. We just had Chorus class together." I said looking at Kalin.

He looks upset from the answer I gave my dad. But no one can know that there is more between us.

"Oh that's great. Vivi loves to sing. She's pretty damn good if I say so myself." My dad said.

" Really? I've never heard her sing. But im sure she has a voice of an angel." Kalin smirks at me while saying.

I can't help but blush.

"Why don't you sing for us Vivi. " My dad suggested.

"How about not."

"Kalin is apart of a group called Kalin and Myles. They actually just got signed to a record label. I'm so proud of my boys. They are living there dreams. And deserve every bit of it" Starlah proudly said.

" Wow that's amazing. Vivi has always wanted to be a singer." My mom blurts out my business.

It's really pissing me off that my parents are  putting me on the spot about my personal business. I've never told anyone but them that I want to be a singer. I need to get away...

"I'm going to chill outside. If you don't mind." I asked Starlah.

"Go ahead sweetie. You're more than welcome too."

"Lala would you like to go outside with me?" I asked

"Yessss." Lala says with so much enthusiasm.

We go outside and start playing basketball.

"You and my brother would look cute together." Lala says

Talk about catching me off guard.

" Is that so Lala?" Kalin said walking outside toward us.

"Yup." She says back.

"Lala I think mom said you can have some cookies already."

"Yay." Lala jumps up with joy and runs inside. Leaving me and Kalin alone.

I have a feeling what he told her wasn't true he just wanted us to be alone.  I walk over to the patio table and sit down and ofcourse Kalin follows me.

"I missed you." Kalin nervously says to me.

"I missed you too." I accidentally say out loud.

"You did? I thought you hated me or something?" He said obviously confused that i confessed I missed him.

I know i shouldn't do this.  I know I'm going to regret all of it later. But i have to tell him how i feel. I can't hold it in no more.

" I don't hate you Kalin.  I was just... I pause before finishing my sentence

"You just what vivi?"

"Why did you leave?" I ask

"Do you really want to know?"


"I left because I wanted to give you what you wanted. You made it clear to me you didn't want me near you. And I knew the only way i could stay away from you is if I moved away for awhile. You crushed me. I couldn't handle the pain. The pain was unbearable. Before you came into my life. I was just an asshole who messed with girls. Just to get my satisfaction. I didn't care if i broke there heart or made them feel like shit. Because I never believed I could love anymore. Or that I would want to grow old with someone. So it didn't matter if i would use them. But then you walked into my life . I knew since the first time i laid my eyes on you. You were different. I don't know what it was. But i felt something..I felt the spark. This may sound crazy or whatever. But it was love at first sight. And i mean it Vivi.  You're so beautiful.  And I'm crazy about you. It's been two months. Two long fucking months that I haven't seen you. You have no idea how hard it's been. To be away from the person that stole my heart. But you broke me Vivi.  You broke my heart. Even though you put me through all this pain. I've never stopped loving you. And words can't describe how much I love you." Kalin said now in tears with his hands coving his face.

It breaks my heart to hear him say I broke him. I didn't want to. I was just confused and in denial. I've seen Kalin cry way too much. And I'm tired of making him this way. I move his hands away from his face and tilt his head to look into my eyes.

"I love you."

I HOPE YOU LIKE IT((: comment & vote. !! Btw just to let you guys know. I won't be able to update this weekend./: I won't be home. But i promise when i get back I'll get to writing. (:

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