Chapter 10

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"Horrible." I say

"What why?"

"Just because. Can we not talk about it."

"Okay fine.  Your dad will be home around 10 tonight he has to work late"

My dad's a cop. And he works a lot which sucks. My mom's a nurse so when she finds a hospital to work at she won't be home much. So I will basically be home by myself all the time.

I go up to my room grab my laptop and walk out to the balcony.

I open up my twitter page and tweet. "WORST FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER"

I decide to Skype Alexa.

Alexa pops on the screen along with Ricky.

"Ricky it's nice to see you." I say

"It's nice to see you too.  Your looking good. " Ricky says

"Thanks I feel like shit tho."

"Why ? How was your first day? " Alexa says.

"Freaking horrible.  Everything I expected it to be. I have a class with that bitch Melissa. And we got into it again at lunch. When I sat at her table. I had no idea she sat there. Gabbi this girl i met in my culinary class invited me. So I thought what the heck why not. But that was the worst decision ever."

"Damn what the hell. I wish I could be there to back you up." Alexa says

"Thanks. But Gabbi defended me. I feel bad because her and Melissa aren't friends anymore.

"Well that's her fault for being a bitch. Don't feel bad. Do not blame yourself." Ricky says.

"Your right." I say

"Sorry we have to go me and Ricky are going to go to the beach. I really hope you'll have a better day tomorrow.  Love you and miss you like crazy. "Alexa says

"Love and miss you guys too. Have fun." I say.

I really wish I was going to the beach with them right now. Instead of being in this shitty place.

"Vivi come down for dinner." My mom yells.

Mmm smells good. My mom made my favorite.  Enchiladas con arroz. I can honestly say my mom is the absolute best cook in the world. Everything she makes is delicious. 

"So do you want to talk about how your day was now?". My mom says


"Vivianna come on you have to talk to me more. I want to know how your life is. Don't be so cold hearted toward me."

"Mom 'm not cold hearted towards you.  I just don't feel like talking about it right now."

"Okay. Vivi I love you and I just want to know that you are okay.

"Well I'm not okay. I hate it here. Can we just please go back home.  " I say sounding way too dramatic.

"We already talked about it. You think I wanted to move here? No! I miss all my friends just like you do. But we can't do nothing about it. Your dad got an amazing job offer to move here. That we couldn't reject. Can you just be grateful for once.  You have a roof over your head, food on your plate, and parents who love you dearly. "

She had a good point. I should be grateful for what I have. But i just can't stand it here.

" I understand mom. But you just don't get it. "

"What don't I get Vivi?  Tell me? Let me know? I want to help you.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine"

I get up and walk up to my room.  Ugh why do I have to be such a bitch.  All she wants to do is help me.  And what did I do? I snapped on her for no reason. I'm so tired of always being in a bad mood.   It's only 8:30 but I decide to go to bed already.

I set my alarm.  And lay down on my bed till I fall asleep.

"I'm so fancy you already know. I'm in the fast lane from LA to Tokyo."

My alarm goes off. Ugh

Day two at hell.


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