A New Start, My Derrière (17)

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Chapter Seventeen 


"A new message from: Prince Awesome:  

A little birdie told me you broke up for your boyfriend..."

Am I supposed to say yeah? No? Well I can't exactly not say no...

He probably heard every word Drake and I had on the phone and the yelling too..

"A new message from: Van Heart:  

That is correct."

"A new message from: Prince Awesome:  

So what does this mean for us?"

Why hadn't I thought that through?

"A new message from: Van Heart:  


"A new message from: Prince Awesome:  

You mean that you chose your other option?"

"A new message from: Van Heart:  

I chose the option of a time out and a break from all this. I don't want to be in the middle of the fights, wars and love. I never wanted any of this..."

"A new message from: Prince Awesome:  

You know that you're *beeped* right? You never chose this, but you received it anyway, you can't help what we guys are feeling and how we act upon it. You know that now, you have guys that are going to send you gifts and showing what life would be life with each of us right? You will have to pick one of us eventually..."

"A new message from: Van Heart:  

I know and I will have to face that when I'm ready..."

"A new message from: Prince Awesome:  

Ok I'll be waiting...

*Goes Offline*"

Well today has been eventful. Why can't guys just face facts and accept a no when they receive it? Right, because their guys...

I knew I wasn't going to sleep well tonight and I didn't know how to react to what was going to happen. Yet that night I had a dream; like most people do when they sleep, but this was different...

I was in a modern house, completely decorated and pristine. Out comes Tyler wearing a suit with a smile on his face appearing from the hallway. "Good morning sweetheart!" He says cheerfully and hugs me around the waist.

"Urmm yeah you too..." What else am I going to say? I didn't even know where I was and why Tyler was hugging me...

"MOMMY" A small girl with blonde ringlets down her back, comes and hugs my legs. I bent down and picked her up. The resemblance between me and the child was uncanny, except the hair colour, I knew she was mine from the chocolate brown eyes she had.

"Hey sweetie" I say a smile appearing on the edge of my lips.

"Right I have to go now, see you later tonight." Tyler says kissing my forehead. "And you too" He says kissing the tip of the girls nose revealing a giggle from her

"Bye Daddy!!" She calls out for him waving her tiny arm in the air.

"Bye! Love you both!" He calls back over his shoulder and leaves for work.

"Hey you, want something to eat?" I ask acting rather motherly...

"Sure mommy!" She squeals, it was too difficult not to smile at her. I carried the girl through the hallway walking past photos of: prom, a wedding day, a holiday, me on a hospital bed holding a baby and even birthdays. We looked like a normal family, a family of love and happiness.

I walked through the kitchen door and noticed that the room I was in wasn't a kitchen, but another livingroom. The furniture different from the last - less modern, but full of oak wood instead. A homier feel I gathered.

As well as the difference in environment, the small child in my arms had disappeared too...

"Hey sleepyhead" Someone says hugging me from behind.

"Hey" I reply turning to face Drake

"I missed you last night, when I got home you were already sleeping soundly" He smiled not letting go of me.

"Urmm... Sorry?" I say not having a clue what was happening.

"It's okay..." He says kissing down my neck.

"Urmm Drake, how about breakfast yeah, I'm starving" Though how can you be in a dream?

"Huh? Oh yeah sure, food..." He says not letting go of me.

"You not have work today?" I ask since; Tyler had somewhere to go to...

"Babe, you know I don't work in the morning..." He says raising an eyebrow at me. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"I just forgot that's all..."

"Huh? you sure you're feeling okay? I mean you could always go back to bed."

Sleeping did sound good, instead I felt a rush through my body and I sprint to the bathroom.

"Vanessa you okay?" A concerned voice asks me from the other side of the door.

"Give me a minute" I say not wanting anyone to see me in this state.

The door creaks open and warm arms are hugging me, soothing me and being extremely comforting.

"You don't seem okay? You need anything?" Zachary asks me

"No I'll be okay soon." I say my head falling on his shoulder.

"Right, I am taking the day off work to take care of you and if you say no, I'll just ignore you." He says a smirk appearing on his lips

"But -"

"No, buts. Vanessa you need to sleep okay come on..." He says picking me up bridal style in his arms. Placing me in a soft comfortable bed and pulling the sheets around me. He kisses my temple and says "Vanessa, I love you and trust me on the fact you need to get better, sleep now yeah?" I just nod and fall back to sleep, surrounded by the comforting warmth of the bed.

That's when I wake up. Dragging myself up from bed and take my shower, change into a pair of comfy sweats and a tank top. I drag my feet downstairs and see my father and Aidan watching a game on the television.

"There's something on the table for you..." My father says pointing to the kitchen.

"Okay thanks dad!" I call behind me, waving my hand behind me

I push the kitchen door away from me and step in front before it swings back. On the kitchen table I see three individual roses. Each with a label attached to it, each a different colour and all addressed to me...

The red one read  "I'm sorry. D"

The white one read "Forgive me? T"

The black one read "I told you so. Z"


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