A New Start, My Derrière (27)

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Chapter Twenty Seven  


I unlock the car and jog to the car.

"Geez could you walk slower?" Aidan asks wiping the rain off his hair

"Be thankful I didn't" I rolled my eyes

"Hey Tyler" I call over my shoulder

"Hey, nice ride" He says


"Sis put some music on will you?" Aidan asks sulking

"Sure..." I say putting the radio on and the music played. After a few minutes of the music Aidan got frustrated.

"God this sucks!" he says changing the radio station

"What's up Aid?" He not's usually like this,

"Alice" Tyler pitches in.

"What about her?" I ask

"She cancelled..." Aidan mummers

"Oh, sorry Aid maybe she had to do something else?" I state

"Doubtful she's probably hooking up with other guys as we speak"

"Aid, you know Alice isn't like that; she would never cheat on you..."

"You don't know that!" His voice starts to rise

"Yeah I do Aidan, you know that she changed how she dressed for you? That she wanted to be a better person for you? And you're accusing her of cheating, you've not been dating a month and you're treating her like something you found on your shoe!"

"I'm over reacting?" Aidan asks gazing out of the window

"Yes!" I yell at him

"Sorry, you're right I should be able to trust Alice..." He says shaking his head in disappointment.

"Right, we're here..." I say parking the car in the drive way.

Tyler and Aidan get out of the car and I park it in the garage. When I get of the car, I have the urge to stand in the rain and maybe dance a little...

I'll just stand in the rain for a minute... a minute won't hurt will it?

So I do, I stand there looking up at the sky feeling the light rain drops on my face... it's like a shower to be honest, but I just still stand there. The water droplets run down my face make up's ruined, but I don't care.

"Sis get your butt in here! You're going to catch a cold!" Aidan yells at me.

"Sorry!" I yell back whilst running back in to the house. I see Tyler in the living room watching something on the television. "Sorry be right back, I'm soaking!" I say and he just smiles at me, I rush up the stairs and to in to my walk in closet and put on some sweats and a t shirt.

I go back downstairs with a towel in my hand drying my hair. "Hey" I say to Tyler.

"Hey, so art?"

"Yeah sure," I hand him a canvas and some pencils

"Don't I need pictures and other art supplies?" He asks

"Follow me" I say


I take him to my art room. "Wow!" Tyler gasped as we walk in

Why is everyone saying that? There's nothing that special about it,  just a few dozen drawings paintings and photographs...

"There is, this is amazing! I can't believe you did all of this..."

Was I talking out loud?

"Thanks" I mumble and look for my camera.

"It's amazing you could do all of this... hey who's this?" He says holding up a picture

"Oh that's my mom..." I say still rummaging

"She looks like you..."

"She looked like me..." I mumble to myself.

"Right take a seat and say cheese!" I say pointing to the couch in the room

"Cheddar!" He says smiling. I take the photos and print them off three times. (One for each of us)

We started drawing for a mere ten minutes and Tyler's already complaining.

"God I can't do this! I can't draw and God is my head really that big?" He asks

"You're doing fine and you've done your scale wrong..." I say

"Oh..." he says and starts again, whilst I turn the music on.

"Do you mind if we turn that off please? It's distracting..." Tyler asks

"Urmm sure, sorry"

"So... what's your favourite colour?" He asks me


"Cool... favourite type of music?"

"Any" These questions are worse than my dad's

"Favourite season?"

"Fall or Winter"

"Favourite foods?"

"Any" I shrug

The questions just carried on and on... getting more and more meaningless. His drawing improves slightly...

I guess he wasn't joking when he said he couldn't draw 'sigh' the presentation isn't for another month yet. Time passes so slowly I just zone out and nod along to his interrogation.

"I'm home!" my father calls, earlier than usual.

"Be right back," I tell Tyler whom of which still doesn't notice that he's boring the hell out of me.

I get down the stairs, "Hey dad" I say giving him a hug

"Hey Vanessa, where's Aidan?"

"Moping in his room,  Alice cancelled"

"Poor lad"

"He really likes her..."

"I see that, what's for dinner?"


"Okay, need any help?"

"Nah it's okay... hey so Beverly hills weekend huh?"

"Yeah... it's going to be a 'great' meeting." He says

"Dad you really shouldn't be using sarcasm at your age..."

"Hey! I am not that old!"

"Of course..."

"Anyway sprout I'll see you at dinner." He says ruffling my hair as he goes to his study.

"I'm not short!" I call out.

"YEAH YOU ARE!" Aidan calls from his room

"Bullies..." I mumble under my breath and start on dinner.


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