Chapter 44 - The Luna's Spy

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The second Carson walks with his all black, skin-tight uniform, Dad decides to inform him, "If Mia's grades drop because of you, I'll be the one sending the break up text."

"So if her grades improve," Carson smirks. "You'll welcome me with open arms?"

"Get out of my house." Dad points to the door.

Carson smiles. "Aw, pops. I missed you too." He hugs him.

Dad's eyes bulge out. "Who are you calling pops, Junior?"

"Haha, good one, Senior." Carson claps his back.

I move Carson out of the way before Dad grabs ahold of his neck.

"Wait. Before we go." Carson grabs the pile of stuff he came in with. He holds up legos for Charlie, another "field journal" for Megan, and the food container my parents gave him—freshly washed.

"Wow. You didn't bring anything for me?" Michael asks.

"Of course I did, Micah." Carson gestures to himself like he's god's gift to the word. "My presence."

I try not to laugh. It's nice to see him finally comfortable in my house. Michael, on the other hand, isn't nearly as amused. Before he can say a witty comeback, Megan pushes past him.

She gestures for Carson to lean down. "Bad news I'm afraid, kid."

"Tell me." He looks into her eyes.

She whispers loud enough for the whole world to hear, "Your brother Axel's trying to make power moves on your girl. He can't be trusted."

I smack my forehead, but Carson looks genuinely shocked. "Are you serious?"

She nods. "I saw it with my own eyes. Fixing windows." She scoffs. "Don't believe him for a second. And that Onai guy and Ethel." She gags. "They're in on it too. Watch you back."

"Thanks, Megan. You're the only one I can trust." He pats her shoulder. "So many people just want to use me, like your brother." He gives Charlie a bitter look.

Charlie's currently obsessed with his gift. The second he heard the long-anticipated legos had arrived, he bouldered through his family like we were mincemeat.

Mom's helping him open it now, but once she's completed her task, he'll throw her away like the rest of us. That is, until he needs someone to help him build it. Kids.

"Well come on." I help Carson up from Megan's side. "We're gonna be late."

"One second," he says. He's listening to her five-step plan: "How to Ensure You Become My Brother-in-Law in A Decade! No refunds on Mia!"

I glare at her, but take mental notes for Onai. He might need them, seeing as Michael almost broke a plate this morning at the mention of his name. "Onai? Onai who? *cue hysterical laughter* Oh your friend. Yeah. What about him? Did... *catches plate* Did he say anything about me? ... No?"

We say our goodbyes. Carson promises to visit again soon—with his brothers.

My eyes widen. What? Michael laughs, but no one understands why. Honestly, that's an event I'd prefer not to be a part of. Aiden and my dad? Please. And then Aiden and Megan? Pft. Headache here I come.

My parents'll love Axel though. I smile.

On the way out, I get a lecture about "my curfew." I've never had a "curfew" in my life, but it's effective as of right now young lady.

I roll my eyes and say, "I love you too, Dad."

I'm not gonna lie, I love everything about Carson's car. The color. The design. The interior, but not the driver at the moment. I expect him to speed like before, but he's actually doing 25 on a 25. When he makes the turn, I anticipate some momentum but—

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