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"Aiwei's definitely been through here," Korra said patting Naga's neck. "Nice tracking, girl."

"Let's ask around. Maybe someone's seen him," Mako said. 

"It's a shame we can't get a drink yet," I sighed as we walked into a tavern. 

"Ooh, look, they have a mover poster of me! Must be big Nuktuk fans. Yeah. I should go over and say hello," Bolin said. 

"No, those are wanted posters, and there's one for each of us," Mako said.

"That evil hag," I muttered.

"Wanted by Her Majesty, the Earth Queen, for crimes against the kingdom," Mako said. "I'm guessing this is because we took her airbenders?"

"They weren't hers to keep! I swear, if i ever see her pinchy little queen face again, I am gonna-" Korra began, but people noticed us.  

"Uh, guys," Asami said. "We should get out of here."

"I could just freeze their butts," I muttered as we left. 

"You shouldn't freeze random people," Mako lectured.

I sighed, "you sound like Iroh." 


"Naga found something," Korra called and they revealed jeep behind a boulder. "Oh, sorry. I forgot to bring treats, but good girl."

"Here," I told Korra as I tossed her some jerky. "Lady Emiko taught me that you never leave without jerky."

"Why is that?" Bolin asked.

"She traveled with Sokka," I said simply. 

"This must be Aiwei's jeep. He can't be far," Asami said. 

"Bolin and I will investigate the Misty Palms Oasis and see if he's holed up there," Mako said. 

"Yes, I love it when you talk like a cop!" Bolin said. 

"I'm coming too," Korra said.

"No. You and Asami wait here in case he comes back. Besides, we don't want to call too much attention to ourselves," Mako said.

"At least take Yue with you," Korra said.

"I attract more attention than anyone," I told Korra.

"Not when you have this on!" Korra said pulling out my scarf.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

Korra smiled awkwardly, "Iroh made sure I brought it."

I rolled my eyes, "fine."

"Alright!" Korra cheered.

"Mako hasn't even agreed," I pointed out.

"You scare me," Mako said. "But you're really good at reading people, and you can tell when they're lying so..."

"Ooh. Mako, Mako, Mako, we should wear disguises too and pretend we're going undercover. That way, no one will recognize us," Bolin said with a laugh. "Police work is so exciting!"

"This is not going to end well," I told Asami.

"Well," Asami said as we looked at the brothers' in identical outfits that stood out more than my white hair. "You were right..."

"All right, now we need our undercover identities," Bolin announced. "I'm an ex-United Forces operative named Ting-Ting. War was the only woman I ever loved, until Ivy came along and showed me what real love is! Tragically, she was taken from me by my arch enemy Dr. Razor, and he-"

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