Chapter 1: HeartBreak

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I hopped out my white jeep after parking it in my drive way; I locked my doors and walked into the house. I was tired as hell and all I wanted to do was sleep in my own bed, but I needed a little snack before hand so I walked into my kitchen and spotted a gold bag on the counter, 'now I know for sure I don't gotta bag like that' I thought.

I frowned as I slowly put my bag down on a chair and grabbed the other bag, I walked over to the staircase and climbed it until I walked into a big hallway. I looked over to my son door and opened it gently and saw him sleeping on his bed, I smiled a bit and closed the door gently, I walked over to my room door and grabbed the door nob, I closed my eyes "God please let this be a purse he bought me and not what I think it is" I whispered.

I opened my eyes as I swung the door open and saw Chris and this girl laying in bed cuddling, in MY bed.

I felt anger washing over my fear of finding something like this and I turned red, "what the Fuck!" I yelled, slamming the gold purse straight into the girls face, she jumped up falling off the bed as did Chris.

"Baby?" He looked confused, I threw his PlayStation remote at his face, "don't you fucking baby me! The fuck do you got going on?!" I yelled.

He looked at the girl and back at me, "baby I swear it's nothing" he said, I scoffed before grabbing the girl by her hair and dragging her towards the stairs. "You got two fucking seconds to get the fuck out my house" I spat mushing her head, she clutched her clothes in her hand and ran down the steps with no hesitation leaving out the front door, I huffed and walked back into my room to see Chris sitting on the bed with his hands holding up his head.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled, he shrugged making my anger grow by the second "my son in the other room and you have the nerve to pull this shit! Chris are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled.

Chris looked at me and sighed "he was asleep" he said, I got even angrier if that's even possible, I jumped on top of him and started swinging on him, "stop fucking playing with me nigga" I yelled, he pushed me off of him and I landed on the ground with a thud and I winced in pain. I slowly got up my anger became sadness and I started crying, I walked over to my closet and packed my bags.

After a few minutes of packing all my shit, I pulled my suit case and a few bags out the room without giving Chris a second glance. Without thinking I walked into CJ room and started packing his shit too.

He was sitting up in bed with teary eyes, he hated seeing me cry and I hated him seeing me cry. After I packed his bags I picked him up and dressed him.

"Let's get outta here baby" I cried giving him a long meaningful kiss on the forehead.

We walked out the room and walked down the steps, hearing Chris right behind me. I walked out the front door and over to my Jeep, putting the bags in the trunk. I walked over to the back seat but Chris pulled me back making me Immediately yank my arm from him, "move Chris" I spat.

He sighed, "where are you gonna go Queen, your mom don't want you over there, I'm the only person you have left" he said.

I put Cj in his car seat before looking back at Chris, "nah I got my baby and that's the only thing I need, him and God" I said.

He shook his head, "my son is not living in the streets" he stated.

"What the fuck kind of mother you take me for Chris? My child will never live in the streets as long as I'm with him, and he sure as hell not living in that dirty ass house with you" I said making him roll his eyes, "I'm serious Queen" he said.

I scoffed letting his words sink in, I mean he wasn't completely wrong, Cj did not need to be out here with me when I couldn't even provide for myself. I knew he was right, no matter how much I loathed this man, Cj is safer with him, for now.

"Fine" I said pushing away my pride, I turned and picked Cj up and held him in my arms hugging him, I looked at him with a sad smile "I'm sorry baby, mommy's going away for a while but I promise to God Cj mommy will be back for you" I said holding in my tears.

Cj looked sad as I put him in his dad's arms, he started crying and screaming reaching for me as I took his bags out the trunk and gave them to Chris, "please just take him inside" I said holding back my tears.

Chris nodded and walked inside the house, I felt my heart sink as I got into my jeep, I looked into my purse and grabbed my phone. Quickly clicking the contact that I had in mind, I placed the phone to my ear holding back my sobs that so desperately wanted to escape my throat.

"Hey bro....., yeah Chris just cheated on me and I really need a place to stay until I get some money" I said.


"Thanks bro I'm on my way right now, okay bet" I said.

I hung up and closed my eyes letting my tears fall, I cried finally releasing my feelings, "he was my everything God, what will I do now..." I sniffled.

After a while of just sitting there, I finally started the car and drove all the way to my bro's house, Armon and Trey.

Armom and Trey house

When I got there, I parked and walked into the house, "Armon.....Trey hello?!" I yelled.

Trey came down stairs singing per-usual until he got to me, "hey sis" he said picking me up and squeezing me, I giggled "bro put me down" I laughed, he laughed too as he kept his hold on me and carried me to this room that was between the kitchen and living room, he plopped me on the bed with a smile.

"Trey what're you doing?" I asked, "this is your new room" he said.

My face dropped "Bro I'm only stayin until I get some money" I stated, he smiled showing his braces, "well if you want to sleep on a couch you can, but it'd be stupid since Jazz ain't here." he said shrugging.

"Okay fine I'll stay in here, thanks again bro" I said, he nodded "anytime" he said before walking out the room closing the door behind him. I sighed and laid back on the bed feeling completely hopeless.

I wiped my tears and stood up, grabbing a few things for a shower, "might as well get some sleep".

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