Chapter 24: Karma

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These past couple of weeks has been amazing, Clare and I are maturing a lot and we've been growing closer.

Clare walked into the living room and sat down next to me as I demolished my food.

"Mm hey" I said swallowing my food, "is there something wrong?" I asked. He stared at me for a bit then finally broke the uncomfortable silence "we need to talk" he said.

I nodded giving him my full attention, he faced me more then sighed "are we together?" He asked.

I froze, I knew Clare was blunt and always shared his opinion but damn way to leave me on hush, "where is this coming from?" I asked.

He shook his head "me and Mod were talking and he asked if me and you were official, I was gonna answer but I wasn't sure myself" he said.

"Well.....I mean I'm not ready for a full on relationship Clare, I love you I do but I can't rush into whatever this is, can't we just take things slow-" I sighed.

He looked down a bit and he nodded "ight" Is all he said before getting up and heading to the door, I stood up immediately "Clare please don't be mad at me" I said.

He looked back at me, his eyes were filled with sadness and anger, "I'm not. I'm just glad I found out now" he said.

I scrunched up my face and walked over to him "and what the hell do you mean by that?" I asked, he turned towards me and looked down at me with no emotion "I mean, I'm glad I found out you didn't want me as much as I wanted you now instead of later" he shrugged.

I shook my head and grabbed his face "No, no, no don't you shut me out, do you see what you're doing? Do you see this? This is the reason I'm not trying to rush into things, I want us to be happy for whenever our babies get here and I personally don't think we have to rush to do that" I said with tears in my eyes.

He didn't show me any emotion he just pulled my hands down and let me go, "I never said I wasn't gonna be happy or present for my babies, I just need a break from you" he said.

I was shook "what? What do you mean?" I asked crying, "Queen you said it yourself, you're not ready for this, I understand you don't want to rush it so I'm just gonna take a step back" he said before walking out leaving me there crying.

Three days later

The past three days Clare has been out late, he comes back with food and gives it to me before getting cleaned up and going straight to bed without talking to me, then in the morning he makes me and him breakfast then leaves; he doesn't come back until the afternoon high and gives me some food then leaves back out.

Right now he's supposed to be walking in any minute for my afternoon lunch then leaving back out, but before he can go anywhere imma need to talk to him.

As I was thinking my thoughts were cut off by the front door opening, I stood up and walked over to Clare closing the door for him, as usual he nodded at me and walked into the kitchen, "Clare we need to talk" I said.

He shrugged "talk" he said, I sighed "I miss you okay and I'm sorry about leading you on it was wrong" I said.

"I'm over it" he said putting the milk in the fridge, "how when all you do is bring me food and leave and when you are here you ignore me?" I asked.

He looked at me "I'm seeing someone" he said before handing me my food and walking towards the stairs, my mouth dropped open and I put my food down following him.

"What do you mean you're seeing someone?" I frowned, "I mean I'm seeing someone" he said pulling his shirt off.

"Wow that's crazy" I scoffed, "we're not inna relationship Queen!" He yelled.

I sighed as I looked up at him with hurt eyes "I didn't mean we wouldn't eventually be in a relationship, but you just showing me you can't wait for me", he shook his head "Queen I have needs okay, I will always help you and my babies but I'm not going be no simp" he said before putting on another shirt and leaving out.

Again I was left in that spot crying.

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