Chapter 20: Fate is too funny

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Month later

I laughed at the new Netflix series I was watching while sitting on Clare and I's bed, he was out handling something while my pregnant ass is stuck in the house.

I am now two months along and it's been hell on earth; I'm always moody, hungry, and horny all the time but Clare keeps me sane so I can't complain too much.

"I just don't understand why she likes you" Stephan from the vampire diaries said.

"It's because you haven't had sex with me" Damen smirked.

I laughed at Stephan's face before my attention was pulled away by my phone.

I groaned and put my chips down pausing the episode, I grabbed my phone from the night stand and without looking at the ID I answered.

"What?" I asked bluntly.

"Damn girl I just wanted to chat" Airi laughed.

"Sorry girl I'm just watching my show" I explained.

"Sorry, anyway did you go to the doctors yet?" She asked.

I was suppose to go to the doctors in the next hour, it was gon be my first check up since I found out I was pregnant.

"No, but that reminds me I need to get my pregnant ass up and get ready" I laughed.

"Yeah well I got a surprise for you!" She shrieked.

I immediately pulled my phone from my ear and put her on speaker before getting up leaving my phone on my bed.

"Okay what is it?" I asked pulling out some black tights, a black tank top, my black nike slides and matching white socks, along with a jacket.

"Open your door" she said hanging up, then the door bell rung.

I slid my slides on and made my way down stairs, I opened the front door and my face lit up.

"MOMMY!" Cj yelled running over and hugging me, "Baby!" I yelled as I hugged him back, Airi stepped closer smiling at us.

"We're here" she said, I let go of Cj and hugged Airi, "I'm so happy you're here!" I smiled.

"Mommy. Auntie Airi said you have a baby in your belly is that true?" He asked pronouncing his words better than last time I saw him.

I smiled brightly "yes baby, you wanna come with me and auntie Airi to go see it?" I asked in my baby tone.

He nodded and smiled, "okay good, Airi can you watch him so I can go and get ready?" I asked, she nodded as she took Cj hand and directed him to the kitchen.

I walked up stairs to get ready quickly which was difficult since I get tired fast.

After showering and throwing my clothes on I put my hair in a bun and put a hat on, I grabbed my purse and phone as I left the room going back down stairs.

"Mommy where is ClearBear?" Cj asked, I smiled "he working baby but I promise you'll see him later" I said.

He nodded as Airi and I grabbed his hands and left the house.


After parking we walked into the building and went to the desk, "Bulls" I said, she nodded and called the doctor I'm guessing; as I waited Airi and Cj went to sit down.

"Oh look it's the home wrecking bitch" Nikki said bitterly.

I looked around me "who you talking to?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes "you obviously bitch" She spat grabbing some people attention.

I scrunched up my face and looked up and down and to my right and left, "what're you doing hoe?" She asked.

I scratched my head as my attention went back to her, "your damn mind, because you must have lost your damn mind if you think you talking to me like that, you must've forgot what that slap felt like, you want me to remind you" I said stepping closer.

"Don't put your damn hands on me because I swear you'll loose em" she spat.

I chuckled "I ain't even gon worry about you, you all talk bitch you not gon do a damn thing" I rolled my eyes.

"Bitch say somethin else!" She yelled.

"Somethin else" I said smartly, she bucked at me but little did she know I was about to beat her ass.

I slapped the hell outta her as her face flew to the left, Airi immediately came in between us "both of yah stop, Queen you pregnant!" She yelled.

I put my hands up in defence "she wasn't gon touch me" I stated.

"The doctor is ready for you Ms.Bulls" the desk lady said.

"Okay thanks, c'mere baby" I said loudly as Cj ran over to me, Airi followed us as we walked into my OB's office.

"Hello Ms. Bulls, your here for a check up right?" She asked.

I nodded as I layed on the bed and lifted my shirt.

"Okay, and who is this little one" she smiled as she put that warm gel on me.

"That's my other baby Cj" I said as she rubbed the wand over my stomach.

"He is adorable and he looks like you. Anyways there they are" she smiled as two small figures appeared on the ultrasound.

"Oh my god...." Airi said.

"Don't tell me....." I said

"Yep baby one and baby two" she smiled.


'The hell'

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