Chapter 15: Turn into A Savage

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Queen sat in the waiting room crying her eyes out while Mod sat quiet rubbing her back trying to calm her down; "Clarence White"

They both quickly stood up and met the doctor half way "is he okay?" Queen asked.

He gave her a sad smile "he lost a lot of blood and it isn't looking very good but we did all we could, now it's up to Mr. White if he wants to wake up" he explained.

Mod rubbed his head before dragging his hands down to his face while Queen just stood there as her heart dropped; "WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU DID ALL YOU COULD?! YOU'RE FUCKING DOCTORS AREN'T YOU, YOU BETTER GET IN THERE AND PUT YOUR FUCKING HEADS TOGETHER AND SAVE HIM!" She yelled as more tears fell.

"Ma'am I understand your frustration but I'm going to need you to calm down before we have you removed" he said, Queen scoffed "remove me then cause I'm not calming down until you do your fucking job"

Hearing enough Mod stepped up "I'm sorry sir we understand, please give me a call when you have something" he said respectfully before grabbing Queen's wrist and pulling her away.

Queen continued to take deep breaths as Mod dragged her over to his car; when they got in she finally seemed to have calmed down "I need to see Chris" she frowned.

"I got niggas looking for him as we speak, so don't even worry about it sis" he said starting the car, nodding she pulled the sun visor down and tried to fix her appearance.

Ten minutes later

"Yo" Mod said answering his phone as he stopped at a red light.

"Aight don't do shit we on our way"

"If he move follow the nigga and keep me posted"


He hung up and pulled off when the light turned green; "did they find him?" Queen asked.

"Yeah he's at some bar" he said.

Nodding she grabbed her orange bag and opened it checking to make sure she still had the gun Clarence made her get for protection purposes; humming she closed her purse.

Mod let the music boom as he sped through the streets swerving past cars and making every light.

When they got there they both hopped out the car and made their way inside, Queen scanned the inside until her eyes landed on a single figure sitting at the bar sipping on his drink.

Not wasting anytime she started to make her way over to him.

The small amount of people that were there started to leave seeming to sense the energy the two brought inside. Chris chuckled as he threw back his drink before turning to face the mother of his child "Queen" he mumbled.

She glanced him over noticing the small bandaid on his forehead and the big white bandage on his arm.

Noticing her glances he cracked a smile as he showed her his arm "like it? Want a matching one?" He asked standing up.

She frowned before pulling her gun out and pointing it directly at him; Chris eyes slightly widened as he took a step back out of reflex but when his eyes drifted up to Queen again his face softened, he slowly made his way closer to her before pressing his forehead on the barrel "do it" he mumbled.

When she made no move to pull the trigger he smiled making her frown "you'll always be that scared little girl I met years back, and nobody will ever be able to change that" he said.

She felt tears sting her eyes as she kept eye contact; "Admit it Queen, this isn't you and it'll never be" he teased.

She gritted her teeth and glared at him, she went to pull the trigger but she froze when CJ flashed into her head, coming to her senses she slowly dropped the gun; "Queen" Mod said.

Frowning at how pathetic she was she shoved her gun back into her bag "Can you give me a minute alone with him?" she asked looking back at Mod whom currently was not happy.

"Nah, ion trust him" Mod said.

"Please- I don't want to argue, it'll only take a minute" she said. Sighing he nodded "aight but I'll be right outside that door if you need me sis" he said as he slowly backed out the door his eyes never leaving her.

"What happened to you Chris?" She asked as her voice cracked; standing up straight he looked down at her, "You. You happened to me Queen, I can't seem to let you go and I don't want to either" he confessed.

She felt her heart ache at his words, but she also felt hatred towards him "Chris you need to stop, you need to leave me alone and find someone new" she said.

He shook his head "I don't want to".

Frowning at his words she sighed "well you're gonna have to and I'm deadass" She said as she turned around before stopping again "and if Clarence don't make it, I swear to you I'll kill you myself" She said.

He grinned "and I'll be waiting" he hummed taking his seat again.

"Yo Queen" Mod said as he walked back in, his eyes met hers but stopped when he seen Chris sitting down calmly "why the hell is squeaker still alive?" He asked.

"Nevermind that, what is it?" She asked.

"It was the hosptal, Clarence is _____....."

Her heart dropped before she looked over at Chris.

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