Chapter 8: What's Next

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After me and Clare got off the plane we drove to his apartment and immediately got inside. "Jetlag is crazy..." he groaned falling on top of the bed.

I nodded and laid on top of his back, I already knew he was smiling but he didn't say anything as we slowly drifted off to sleep.

Two hours later

I woke up to my phone ringing making me groan and roll off of Clare, It took me a few tries to actually reach over before grabbing my phone to answer it.


"Hey Queen. I was talkin to your manager Pio and she said she got you a place to film the medicine video, everything is set up, D'Rock and his girlfriend is here, now we just need you and Clarence" My shoot director said.

I yawned and nodded as if he could see me, "yep we're on our way" I said then hung up, I looked over my shoulder and scratched my head "Clare." I said in a sleepy tone.

Ignoring me he rolled over and got even more comfortable, I looked back at the small bed side table and put my phone down, I climbed back on top of Clare and sat on his lower stomach, "Clare get up" I groaned rolling my eyes. If I couldn't sleep then he sure as hell couldn't, again he ignored me making me more irritated.

"Nigga get up" I yelled, all he did was grab a pillow and put it over his head, I was now wide awake from aggrevation because now I know damn well he heard me that time.

Fully annoyed now I climbed off of him and slid off of the bed, quickly grabbing my phone I walked over to the speaker and turned it on.

I smirked as I linked my Bluetooth and put on medicine to wake Clare up, I turned it up and started singing along, knowing he would wake up irritated I started to get my clothes ready. I took out my yellow shirt and took out my underwear and stuff.

I looked over and saw Clare sitting up with a 'what the fuck is wrong with you' expression making me bite my lip trying to refrain from laughing.

I smiled "my intuition never lies there's nothing you can ever hide already got the screenshot so there is no need to deny.

You been creepin,
And freakin,
And sneakin like you'll never loose me.

Steady claiming that everyone know we together but you steady choosin, swear I can not win from loosen I been out being faithful

I always got this on lockdown by that ain't been keepin us stable, so I guess I know what I gotta do~"

I sang as I walked over to Clare and slowly climbed on the bed.

"Give you taste of your own medicine~ hey yeah~

How would you like if I do the things you do put you on do not disturb and entertain these dudes."

I pushed Clare back and sat on top of him.

"Imma ride him crazy and you'll never have a clue, give another guy everything that belongs to you~

Imma call up Brian imma face time Ryan,
Imma text Lorenzo and imma leave you cryin~"

I got off of him and went into the bathroom with a towel and closed the door to shower.

(First time I'm actually doing a Clarence pov so here we go)

I watched as she walked into the bathroom and closed the door making me shake my head.

I rubbed my hand on my face trying to get the sleep out my eyes before I checked my phone, it was 6:00 in the morning and I guess we had to go somewhere, I know Queen had to shoot for her medicine video, Lee already hit me up with the details before I got on the flight so I wasn't that mad.

I got up and pulled out some random ass clothes and went into a different bathroom to shower. When I got out I made sure my towel was firmly wrapped around my waist before I walked to my room.

When I opened the door I looked over just in time to see Queen pulling her large yellow shirt down over her lace underwear, she turned around and mugged me, "nigga get dressed before we're late" she rushed me putting her hair up and wrapping it in a yellow tie that matched her shirt.

Ignoring her I reached over and grabbed my clothes to get ready.

《On set》

Queen was honestly built for this, she was doing her thing, she seemed like she was in her element for sure.

"Yo bro" Lee said making me glance over at her "wassup" I said, she smiled "you ready for that scene I was telling you about?" She asked.

I shook my head and laughed "don't worry about me all I gotta do is sit there and look pretty, the person you should be worried about is miss can't take shit serious over there" I chuckled pointing at Queen.

Lee laughed nodding her head "you got a point".

<<Cut to her & Clarence's second scene together>>

I bit my lip as I felt Queen slowly climb on top of me, parking her ass right on my shit.

The music blared as I felt her slowly grind on me, rubbing her fingers up and down my chest, and it took everything in me not to turn this whole shoot into a porn video.

As soon as they finished recording my part I took my ass straight to the bathroom to fix my self because Queen was obviously showing out for that whole scene.

《Queen pov》

As soon as we finished me and Clare's second scene I sat on the bed and crossed my legs trying not to make it obvious I had played my part too well.

Regardless of all that I was happy and excited for my video to come out, finally people can start taking me serious.

After all that we all went out to eat to celebrate my first music video.

Clare's apartment

Hella notifications was popping up about my music video and I did read a couple of comments and smiled "awe" I said to one comment.

Clare came out the bathroom with his boxers on with a silkey wrapped around his big ass head, "Clare look everyone loves us" I smiled showing him the comments, he smiled and shook his head, "no baby girl they love you, what I tell you, I see a bright future for you, I see a lot of good things in your future" he smiled.

"Thanks Clare, I love you" I said and hugged him, he hugged me back with a smile "no problem, I love you too Queen" I knew he meant as a best friend and of course I meant it like that too, but something kept telling me there was more to this than what the eye can see, more than what the ear can hear.

But of course, I shook it off, my career is just shooting off so I can't be distracted by love and romance or relationships, I have to remember it's about me, my son, and these racks.

"Queen promise you ain't bout to glow up on me and leave me behind" Clare whispered.

I pulled away from our hug "Clare, the one thing out of many things I learned from you was to hustle hard and stay humble and that's basically what I live by now, so you don't need to worry about anyone glowing up without you" I smiled rubbing his cheek with my hand, he smiled and leaned back on the wall as I laied down, 'maybe It can be about me, my son, the racks, and Clare' I thought before letting my sleep over take me.

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