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  Warning. There's smutty smut smut. Enjoy lmao.

This is a good chapter for them. Woohoo. 


Winter break finally arrived, and Harry was more than ready for it. He was prepared to be free from classes and have this small break from school. He needed it. He was looking forward to not seeing Stan or any other football players who liked to hassle him. He could now relax and enjoy his days.

His sister was coming down for Christmas and the New Year, and he would get to see some of his other family members for the holidays. Harry always liked this time of year. It was refreshing, and he was hoping that when it was time for him to go back to school, he could go back with a clean slate.

Another thing that winter break brought on was Louis' birthday. Ever since he mentioned it, Louis had been pretty adamant about having a weekend getaway with him to celebrate. It worked out that Christmas fell on a Saturday, and his birthday was the Friday, the day before. He had it all planned out and wanted Harry to go with him. Just the two of them. The whole weekend together. Alone.

At first, Harry did not think he would actually be able to go. Considering it was Christmas, and his family was coming into town. He didn't think his mother would agree to this. Of course, Anne always surprised him. Since she was too invested in his relationship with Louis, she was more than accepting of him going on the trip. It was strange, and Harry wasn't sure if he was happy or disappointed that she agreed.

Spending the weekend alone with Louis meant a lot of things - things that Harry wasn't sure he even understood. They were not exclusive. They were nowhere near becoming boyfriends, yet, they were going on a mini-vacation together. It was complicated, and Harry was confused now more than ever. A couple months ago, he would never have expected Louis to initiate this trip for the two of them.

After hearing him say countless times that they were not tied down together, Harry didn't think that would eventually lead to this weekend getaway. Honestly, leading up to this trip though, the two of them have been on a good path.

They talked a lot this past week. They hung out at lunch. Harry was still on his no-sex trip, but that didn't stop Louis from finding time to spend with him. It had been getting a little weird, good weird, and Harry hoped that this trip would lead to something. He was tired of feeling so confused and conflicted with his feelings towards Louis. He just wanted something established and to embrace everything he felt inside of his heart for him.


Right. He forgot that he was currently trying to pack for the weekend. His mind had been all over the place. He paused halfway through packing his bag and stared at the wall. For god's sake, he had company over. He invited Niall to help him, and he had been too busy thinking that he sort of forgot what the two of them were supposed to be doing.

Harry needed to get his shit together. He was about to leave with Louis in less than an hour. He needed to get into the right headspace.

"I'm sorry," Harry apologized. He angled towards Niall and smiled weakly, looking across all the clothes he had thrown on the floor. His expression dropped. "I'm just - I'm nervous for this weekend."

Niall sat on the floor next to him, shifting to lean back on his hands. "You shouldn't be."

Harry snorted. It was easier said than done. This was the first time the two of them would actually hang out and do stuff together. Stuff that didn't only include sex, which he might not be opposed to it this weekend.

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