Twenty Five

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Weeeeeeellllllll, here we go.

This is a stressful one. Hehehe 


Going to school on a Friday was slowly becoming one of Harry's most dreadful things. He didn't mind school, per se, but the Friday morning pep rallies before a big football game were definitely something he could do without. Pep rallies entailed everyone cheering loudly and being overly peppy. It was morning, for god's sake, and he was barely awake. Couldnt stand all the cheerleaders who hopped around and the students who had so much energy to participate. He simply wanted to spend his morning getting to class with ease, but he constantly had to be stopped by the school spirit fest that was going on. This honestly was never a thing at West Point, and for that, Harry was glad.

Pep rally days also meant an influx of football players all around. They wore their stupid game day shirts, and many of them walked around in their jackets to show off they were on the team. The cheerleaders bounced around in their uniform all day, and it was always filled with jocks and preppy girls. It was a disaster in the making. Harry didn't feel like he had anywhere to go without having a football player bump into him. It was the perfect excuse for the jocks to mess with him and pull off their superiority over others just because they had a game that night. Harry hated it. He absolutely hated it.

He also couldn't stand all the people Louis surrounded himself with. Harry knew that Louis was friends with many people in this school aside from their mutual friend group, but that didn't mean he liked it. The people whom he surrounded himself with outside of their relationship were the bad ones. They were the ones who always brought out the wrong side of him and had such a negative influence over him. His teammates were the worst.

It was only temporary. It was only for show. Harry knew Louis acted this way because they had a title they were shooting for, and most players on the team were in their last year. Harry got that, but like, he still hated it. He wished Louis could have his arm around his body instead of the two cheerleaders that continuously hung off his side throughout the pep rally.

Harry fucking hated Friday's.

"It's a bloody mess out there," he groaned once he successfully made it to his seat in music class. Niall, Liam, and Zayn were already there, clearly not as annoyed as he was when entering the room. "Pep rallies are stupid," he added under his breath, going as far as obnoxiously huffing.

"Pep rallies get the school ready for the game later," Liam informed.

Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I love pep rallies," Niall then commented, sounding so chirpy. Harry raised an eyebrow and glanced at him. "I auditioned to be the mascot this year, but they didn't let me."

"Really?" Harry snorted.

"He got beat out by someone else who had more spirit than he did," Zayn added, giggling when Niall scrunched his nose. "They said he was also a bit of a spaz."

"I am not a spaz," Niall defended.

Harry felt his lips curving up. "Of course not. The mascot world didn't deserve you anyway."


"He's better off as a cheerleader in the stands," Liam grumbled under his breath.

Niall rolled his eyes, reaching over to pat Harry on the back. "I think Harry better suits that role." He winked.

Mr. Reeds shortly walked into the classroom when it was time for the hour to begin. Since it was a pep rally morning, many students were slowly filing in a little late. Of course, Louis took forever to show up, but Harry tried his hardest not to seem so desperate to look at the door. He wanted to see him and feel secure enough to know that he had nothing to worry about. Seeing Louis in the hallway with the asshole football players and the cheerleaders made Harry's stomach stir in a way that wasn't settling.

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