Twenty Six

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Here's the update we've been waiting for. Lol.

TW: There is a car accident in this chapter. I mention this because I know people can get bad PTSD if they ever been in one 


Harry was a lot of things. He felt a lot of things and didn't understand how quickly things could change in just one night . It was one night. One party. One mistake, and he was beyond over it.

After the whole scandal at the party, Harry had done just about everything to cut ties with Louis. He was pissed. Was so angry and embarrassed, and he couldn't believe Louis actually pushed him in front of everyone - let alone touch him at all. At this point, he didn't even want to hear his name or listen to the sound of his voice. He was that angry. His skin crawled, and his stomach twisted anytime Louis' puppy blue eyes looked his way. Things were not going well for them at all. The promise ring on Harry's finger was a joke at this point, and the paper plane necklace around his neck suddenly as if it was choking him. It was time to start re-evaluating things about this relationship.

Harry knew he was drunk at the party. Had spent the whole time hanging out with his friends, and not once did he ever go up to Louis in front of everyone. He kept his distance. He kept up the secret romance. He did what he was supposed to do. It was Louis who came up to him. It was Louis who separated him and that stranger from going to the dance floor. It was Louis who inserted himself into the situation, and it was Louis who made everything escalate.

And, yeah, okay. Maybe he made the mistake of getting all doe eyed when Louis did walk up to him. Probably should not have talked or tried to cuddle him when there were eyes all around. He got that. That was perhaps his mistake. He was drunk, and he was excited to see his boyfriend. Sue him, don't push him. But Louis pushed him. His hands aggressively pressed against his body, and everyone around saw that. It was embarrassing. Louis could have handled the situation in a completely different way. And somehow in his brief moment of panic, he chose to handle it the wrong way.

And now Harry had to walk through the school hallways with everyone giggling and whispering about how Louis pushed him down at the party. It was yet another thing that people could gossip about. It was yet another thing people could make fun of him about. And of course, it kept up the ploy that they were not together. Exactly what Louis wanted, right?

The worst thing that had to come out of this scandal was Louis. He was so fucking oblivious to the whole thing that Harry thought he might explode. He didn't know what game Louis was playing or what was going through his mind, but he acted as if he'd done nothing wrong. He continued to send messages. Continued to call. Tried to talk in class or search for him at lunch. But Harry never bothered. He never responded to the messages. Declined the calls. Ignored him in class, and always turned down another hallway. During lunch, he'd been hiding out in his car.

To top it all off, Louis hasn't even apologized. Never once brought it up and acted like the two of them were completely fine when they returned to school the following Monday. They were not fine. They were the absolute opposite of fine.

Harry needed space. A small break. He needed to get over the fact that his "boyfriend" would do whatever he could to make sure nobody knew they were together. And that included pushing him in front of people. Harry didn't know if or when he would be able to get over that, but he wasn't ready to face Louis right now. If they were to talk right now, he would scream and probably cry. He might even throw the ring he has on his finger right at Louis' face. Honestly, that was probably why he was avoiding him. He was scared that he would end things between them. Afraid that everything he had been hoping and dreaming for with Louis would all come to an end. Harry didn't think he was ready to bring that to reality, even though it was inevitable.

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