Twenty Three

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Sheeelllllloooo . Enjoy this chapter as well. Continue to love the angst and the stress this couple brings.

There's some sweetness towards the end. 


It was supposed to be just another typical day, but alas, it had become dreadful. Harry had made it through most of his classes without any trouble, thankfully. A lot of it had to do with the fact that he woke up earlier and could get to school before most people did. He efficiently avoided Stan and any of the other football players. It was uneventful, to say the least, but the one thing Harry couldn't escape was his phone. He had been receiving messages all day , and it was driving him crazy.

Usually, he wouldn't mind. Typically, his family members and his friends texted him, which he did get messages from them. But what he was painfully trying to avoid was his old friends from West Point. That, Harry, was getting annoyed with. There was nothing that warranted them to try and contact him today. It wasn't like they had kept in touch since he moved, and it definitely wasn't like everything was left on good terms.

It was his birthday, to be fair. His eighteenth birthday, to be exact, so Harry was expecting an influx of phone calls and messages throughout the day. He just wasn't expecting Cara, of all people, to reach out. It was weird, and he oddly was not appreciative of it. What was he even supposed to say to her happy birthday message - Thank you for sleeping with my boyfriend? - He had absolutely nothing he wanted to say to her, even if it was his birthday. He could have easily ignored the message from Cara had it not been for the other cheerleaders from West Point texting him as well. It was like they were purposely trying to get underneath his skin and ruin the day for him. That was what bothered him the most.

At least with his birthday this year, he had the whole weekend to celebrate. It fell on a Friday, which was bearable, but he had the rest of the weekend to celebrate with his family. Usually, his sister came down to visit, and his grandparents would stop by. They would have dinner together, and sometimes go out as a family. Last year, they went bowling, and unfortunately, at the time, Reid joined in on the festivities. Harry was sort of looking forward to this weekend of being away from an ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend drama. He liked the idea of hanging around his family. He hasn't even told the lads that today was his birthday.

Plus, he did not want the attention on him. If the lads knew it was his birthday, then Stan would more than likely figure it out, and somehow someway, he would probably ruin it all for him. Harry was honestly doing himself a favor for secretly turning eighteen.

After Harry walked to his locker to grab his lunch and extra jacket, he decided to head outside during his lunch hour. Despite how cold it was, he still chose to go out there every day instead of sitting with Liam, Niall, and Zayn. He enjoyed his time outside alone, and even though it would be nice to eat his birthday lunch with some friends, he really didn't want to change his routine. Eating in the lunchroom met seeing the football team. It met seeing Stan, and that was the last thing he wanted to deal with today. He had been lucky so far by going unscathed.

Of course, just when Harry really thought he was in the clear, he saw Stan turning down the hallway with Oli and Calvin following behind. Harry was just a few moments away from escaping the lunchroom hallway, so when he noticed that the guys were around, he groaned internally.

"What are you looking at, Styles?" Stan asked as he walked closer.

Except the most unusual thing happened. Instead of standing there and egging Harry on, he continued to walk - walking right on past Harry and heading straight towards the lunchroom, not even bothering to wait for a response.

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