Twenty Four

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Heeelllloooo! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Kinda cute I think.

Another sweet chapter for them. 


It was Valentine's Day, and honestly, Harry hated it. He hated seeing all the loved-up couples in the hallway kissing one another and gifting their significant other with roses and candies and love. It was sickening. He could hear everyone squealing around about their Valentine's Day plans, and all Harry could think about was how much he despised this day. He did. This was the absolute worst holiday ever, even when he did have a proper boyfriend, nothing really could convince him otherwise. Relationships sucked.

Spending Valentine's Day with Reid was a joke. It was horrible, and Harry should have definitely seen that as a red flag when Reid did absolutely nothing romantic on this day. In fact, he did the complete opposite, and it was probably him that had made this holiday so terrible for Harry.

The first Valentine's they spent together was about six months since they first started dating. They were good at this point. Relatively decent, from what Harry thought. So he figured they would do something romantic when it came time to spend Valentine's Day together. It was the first time he would actually have a boyfriend to spend it with. He got himself all worked up about how fantastic and romantic his first Valentine's Day in a relationship would be, but he should have known better.

Reid ordered pizza. He did not buy any gifts. He did not get any roses. He purchased no chocolates or sweets. He didn't even decorate. They watched one romantic movie, and then they had sex on the couch. That was it. Harry wasn't even swooshed away to the bedroom. There was nothing romantic about it, and Harry couldn't deny how disappointed he was after the holiday had passed. He was hoping for some sort of surprise - a dinner, a movie, a date, literally anything - but it was just pizza in the living room. It sucked. So did the second Valentine's they spent together. They were arguing up to a week before the day came, and Reid did nothing but order take-out food.

They didn't even have sex that day. It was tragic.

This year, however, Harry wasn't sure what to expect. He had reasons for despising this specific holiday. Still, it was getting harder for him to when he knew Louis had something stirring. Despite their highly complex relationship, Harry still appreciated that he had another shot at trying to have a special day on Valentine's. He already had a lovely promise ring on his finger, one that he admired pretty often. He also had the stunning airplane necklace that Louis gave him for Christmas.

They couldn't be out and about with their relationship, but Louis made up for it with the little things. Something Reid lacked severely. For the terrible past two Valentine's Day Harry had, Louis wanted to make up for it. He desired to make this day special and romantic, and everything he had hoped that it could be.

Louis had expressed this just last night when they were talking on the phone together. Harry was ranting about his distaste for Valentine's Day, and Louis promised that he would show him exactly how he should be treated. It was the little things, Harry thought to himself. Louis wanted to do all the small stuff for him when he knew the big stuff would have to come later. Harry appreciated it. He was beginning to look forward to what the rest of the day could bring him. Louis could be very spontaneous and romantic when he wanted to, and the times that he had shown this side of him, Harry had been very impressed. It was probably why he could never find himself truly walking away.

There were just so many good things about Louis that Harry wanted to hold on to, and he would see it often enough that it always kept drawing him back in. That was why he kept that promise ring on his finger. He knew what he was fighting for.

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