Twenty Two

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It was dark out, late into the night. The sky was sprinkled with stars, and a half-moon rose at the apex. Harry could see it from where he was lying on his bed. His windows were open, and it was one of those nights where he couldn't fall asleep. He was hoping the shimmering light of the moon glow and the soft sound of the wind outside could help lull him to sleep, but with how much was going on in his mind, he knew he would be with no luck.

At least the view outside his window was lovely. Harry figured he should consider sky-gazing more often. Maybe next time, he would go outside and lay down on the grass, having a full panoramic view of the world above him. Right now, he was too buggared to move. His bed was comfy, and he was hoping that at any minute, he would actually fall asleep.

Louis was on his mind, as always. Since the game against West Point, Harry had struggled with keeping his mind free from a million thoughts. He had questions, so many questions, and Louis wasn't willing to answer, like always. Harry felt like he was right in the middle of whatever feud was going on between Louis and Reid, and he didn't like that he was somehow always in the crossfire. He didn't understand it and still didn't understand the severity of their hatred for one another.

It was just always there, and Harry never really cared to ask questions about it when he was dating Reid. But now, he wanted to know everything. He needed to know everything.

There was no comment made about Louis punching Reid. He just did it and never brought it up again. A few days have passed since then, and every time he tried to hint that he wanted to talk about it, Louis would brush it aside. Harry didn't get it. He didn't know why Louis wouldn't answer anything. It was a rather big deal considering he could have been caught and suspended from playing.

Luckily, none of it got back to the coaches. It wasn't like there was a big group around that saw the interaction happen. And it wasn't like people were going to walk up to the coaches and rat Louis out. It was kept quiet and never talked about again. Harry was even lucky for himself that his picture didn't spread like he thought it would. It didn't reach any parents that were at the game, nor any faculty. Thank god. It mainly reached some of the students lingering around the area, and Liam, Niall, and Zayn were able to get all of them to completely delete it off their phones.

Overall, that game was such a mess, and it left him lying on his bed every night, unable to sleep because he had so much to think about.

A sudden tap on Harry's window made him jump. He had gotten so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed there was someone outside his window. When he rose up on his elbows, blinking a couple times to adjust his eyes, he saw it was Louis. Harry's body completely relaxed as he tossed the sheets off his body and walked over to open the window.

"Louis," he greeted, a yawn coming out. His eyes squinted when he looked down at saw a basket at his feet, body shivering when the cold wind from outside chilled his room. "What are you doing here? It's midnight."

Louis smiled as he offered his hand for Harry to take. "We're going on a date."

"Right now?" He blindly gave his hand to Louis, but he didn't budge.

"Yes. We can have it right here."

Harry bit his lip and poked his head out the window. He had a fair portion of the roof that ran underneath his window, and it could definitely fit the both of them if they were to sit out there. Harry had honestly never been on his roof before. He was always scared that he would get in trouble or that he would fall through. Clearly, with how many times Louis had climbed on the roof and gone through the window, he didn't need to worry.

"What's in the basket?" Harry ended up asking. He slowly wedged his way through the windowsill and let Louis' hands guide him safely until they were both standing together. There was no snow on the roof, thankfully, but it was bloody freezing. If it wasn't for the warm jammies on his body, Harry would have probably refused to step outside.

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