Twenty One

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Sigh. Poor Harry. Never catches a break. SMH


The wind was crispy as it blew through the air and chilled Harry's bones, nipping at his face and turning it flushed red. There was snow on the ground as he walked outside, crunching underneath his boots. It was cold out, could even see his own breath every time he breathed through his mouth. It was mid-January, right into the heart of winter, and he was still crazy enough to spend his lunches outside in the stands.

It was his quiet place. His safety zone. The sun was shining in the sky, brighter than ever, but he was bundled up in a coat and scarf, so the freezing temperature wasn't too bad. Plus, he had his hands around a thermos, heated with hot chocolate that his mother made in the morning.

Harry walked up the stands and saw that the entire thing was about near covered in snow. He wen up a couple rows and then used his boots to shovel off so he could sit down on it. He was smart enough to pack a blanket for this, laying it down so that the cold metal of the bleachers didn't freeze his ass too much. Once he took a seat, he set his backpack on the other side of him and bundled his jacket tighter around his body.

His lips were already chapped, and his cheeks were stinging from the sharp slap of the cold wind outside. Liam offered for Harry to start eating lunch with them during the hour, but he had declined. He really did like coming out here, and he appreciated the vast difference between eating outside when it was hot and cold. Harry didn't mind. He enjoyed his peace and quiet out here.

He started eating his lunch alone when he heard the back door opening up. He didn't bother looking to see who it was. Louis wasn't in class this morning. All he sent Harry was a good morning text message and then never responded to the reply. It was their first day back from the winter holidays, and Harry hadn't seen Louis since his birthday. They got caught up with their family for the holidays and couldn't find time to meet up.

It was hard, at first, especially after they had such a good weekend together. The sex they had, it was amazing, and Harry was craving for more of it. Honestly, he was craving to see Louis, but he really didn't want to come off desperate or needy. It was only the first day back since the break - he could wait.

It was Zayn that ended up walking outside. He joined Harry up on the bleachers, but he remained standing by the fence as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket. "You know it's cold as shit out here?"

Harry snorted. "You don't have to be out here."

"I needed a smoke break." Zayn waved the cigarette in his hand and then placed it between his lips. "You could eat with us. It's a lot warmer on the inside."

Harry shrugged his shoulders, eyeing past Zayn to look at the snow-covered field. "I like being out here. Honestly. It's peaceful."

"It's bloody cold, though."

"I have a jacket and a thermos." Harry took a sip from the thermos and hummed approvingly. "I'm good, Z. Really."

Zayn grunted under his breath, leaning his elbows on top of the fence and looking around the bleachers. His eyes trailed around the perimeter before looking across each bench. Once he finished, he looked back over to Harry, raising an eyebrow in questioning. "Do you and Louis have sex out here? Is that why you two sneak off?"

Harry snorted against the thermos, the hot chocolate getting stuck midway down his throat. He coughed a couple times and then used the collar of his shirt to wipe off his mouth. "No, Zayn. We don't have sex out here. We just have lunch and talk."

Closed Doors | Larry Stylinson ❀ [High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now