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"Tess! Get yr bags and come down here right now the flight leaves in two hours!" yelled my mom.

"Fine..."I mumbled angrily.

Hi I'm Tessa I have long brown hair that has naturally highlighted blonde highlights in it and is completely all straight no curls what so ever, I suppose I get that from my dad. I especially have big darkish brown eyes and light tan skin, and I just turned 17 and I am starting my senior year of highschool in Fortlauterdale, Florida. I have dreaded this day to come because I did not want to leave my friends, or family, or my long lost crush I will never date. Why are we moving? My aunt had just found out that she was diagnosed with cancer, also known as brain cancer or a tumor or something but it's dead serious. Family comes first right?

We finally got onto the plane, and my mom and I took in a breath, and exhaled slowly as if we had just run a marathon.

"Thankyou for doing this for me Tess it means a lot for your mom and Jenny." said ruby(my mom)

"Mom you don't have to thank comes first right?"

"Of course it does silly!" Mom laughed.

After my mom and I stopped talking I fell into a deep sleep on the plane considering it was very late at night, and I was exhausted, and I even slept through all the turbulence the plane was going through and I'm pretty sure my mom did to. Then, I woke up,with a blast of hot air in my face, and I began to sweat quickly, and if I was correct I heard something say-

"Were here!" My mom said excitedly. I stand corrected.

"My Lordy it is so hot over here im going to melt!" I complained

"Oh it's fine, Tess we will be at aunt Jenny's in no time!" My mom squealed.

Then we were off to Jenny's house in one of those cool cabs, since my mom refused to rent a car, and our car was getting shipped to Jenny's house within a week or two. After about twenty minutes of driving, we finally pulled up to Jenny's house and payed the taxi driver, and walked off with all of our luggage. I swear when we pulled up to Jenny's house, it was at least a miniature version of The Great Gatsby's mansion, but it was still gigantic.

"'s house?" I said stunned, with widened eyes.

"Yup." My mom replied simply.

"Wow...." I said trailing off to look at the whole house.

Jenny's house was like white marble, with a beautiful garden full of white,yellow, and red roses, and a very expensive looking glass door, and a cute little pebble pathway leading up to the door.

As we went inside with our key, Jenny's was apparent,y still asleep, since we arrived there at 8:30am, so we just peeked around and snooped for a little. Inside the rest of the house the floor was like pure quartz, and marble, with a giant staircase in the center of the room, in front of the living room. I walked into the kitchen and it was like half the size of a small apartment, with a clear see through sink, with obsidian counters and a stainless steel refrigerator, with double doors, and a bottom for the freezer. Then, I walked up the stairs and found my moms room(I think but I'm pretty sure it's true)and walked inside. It was a giant bed with red silk sheets, like the one in Mean Girls(Regina's bedroom) and white carpet, with a giant bathroom full of marble walls, and everything with pretty towels all folded up and neat. Then I walked over to Jenny's room and saw her sound asleep. After I was done snooping some more, I walked back down the stairs to my room. It had baby blue walls with ocean themed all around it, and I had a vanity set with shells decorated around it with a white spinning chair, that had little shells glued to it, and my own bathroom that had the same decorations as my main room, with a giant queen sized bed with tribal print turquoise bed sheets and blankets with the same patterns for my pillows.

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