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Tessa's POV

"U....u.....woah.....I did not see that coming."and I emphasized the 'do not' part purposely.

"" I asked.

"Wat? No no I am....well...u know....bisexual.."Ryan said.

"So your not mad at all?" Ryan asked.

"No I'm not mad I'm just here to say fuck you and have a nice life." and I walked away while giving him the bird.

Then the bell had finally rung to get to second period, and I sat in my usual spot and talked constantly to Paulina and Danielle like usual, it had become our routine we got so used to each others company I was happy and it felt right to have friends like this since we were all weird in our own way and since most the time Danielle is clueless she still chimes in here and there laughing.

"Hey pretty."Zayn said while he 'booped' my nose.

"Pretty?When did this happen?" Paulina asked demandingly while danielle just smiled like a dork.

I was speechless so knowing zayn would say something I gave him that look and he began talking quickly but reassuringly.

"Oh no us? No her and I are really close but we are not dating, it's just our thing."He said with a small smile, and Harry laughed.

"Mkay...but if u ever get her pants without her wanting yr dick you will never hear the end of me zayn and Harry knows it he learned his lesson awhile ago."She said sassy and well put.

Then Mr.Garlin walked in and gave us our quizzes back we took Wednesday and I got a 81%, and zayn got a 95%and so him and I high dived each other in glee, and while Garlin finished up with the papers he went back to the chalk board and scribbled something down I would have copied it down, but I was highly distracted with Harry and Paulina's naughty behavior even thought that's what they did I whispered,"Get a room!"And Paulina and Harry and I all laughed while he finished messing with her undies, and rubbing her inner thighs.

Finally class was over and zayn and I had finished our papers and turned it in, then headed off to my next class which was PE great.

I got ready as usual and pulled my hair back into a ponytail,and put on my sketchers and shorts and tshirt and walked out into my PE line, with zayn since him and I were on the same team, which is funny because we have like everything together, but it didn't bug me.

"U ready for your turn at the relay?"Zayn said exhausted, since he had just finished his lap and timed in to Mr. Chatswin.

"No...but whatever u say."I said smiling, and he laughed.

Then Mr. Chatswin blared the megaphone by saying,"On your marks, get ready,....go!" and in that instance I ran as fast as I could next to the gurl who was basically the school mean gurl who's name was Jocey, who had a pet as Jess who was just as stupid and brainless as her, considering they were both dumb blondes with blue, eyes for jocey, and green for Jess but all in all at times they weren't dumb, considering they are cheerleaders and jocey of course was captain. As we were racing, I was almost in first, until a girl behind me stumbled upon my ankle and I fell hard on my face, and twisted my ankle and scraped my knee, and the girl just lay there crying cuz her makeup was smeared and I snickered at her and rolled my eyes and limped away to Chatswin so he could let me go to the nurses office.

"Okay is your pass to the nurses office, and take someone with you walk, who finished running, okay?"

"Okay."I said.

"Here I'll take you Tess."Zayn said smiling.

"I like the way you laughed at Jess, it was funny how she cried over her dumb overdone makeup."He said laughing with me, and then picked me up bridal style and I laughed, and just relaxed in his strong arms, and sort off drifted on into a light sleep to the sound of his heart beating.

"Hi zayn, how can I help you and your friend?"said the nurse Ms.Ismack who was in her 70's and then she wobbled over to me, and keyed me down on the little bed rest thingy, and took a look at me and asked what happened.

" what happened to you dear?"

"I fell on the track running and fell face first and got up with a bloody nose, and scraped my knee, and hurt my ankle."

"Hmm..does it hurt when I do this?"She said while twisting my ankle.

"Yup, a lot actually."I said wincing.

"Sweety, I think you go to,the hospital and get it checked out, but for now I'll give yr knee a band aid and gauze wrap to stop the bleeding, and tell the office you guys had an incident, and zayn can u drive her?"

"Sure, anything for Tess."He said brushing a loose back to my ear.

Then we left the nurses office, and he took me to my locker first to get my stuff such as phone and keys, and then he picked me up again bridal style, since I coudlnt put any weight on my ankle, at all, and he plopped me down in the passenger seat, and I buckled my self in making slow movements. Then zayn slid in beside me, and put the key in the ignition, and began to start the car, when he just stared at the car for a moment so I spoke up.

" you know how to use a stick shift...?"I asked looking up at him slowly.

"Well....not exactly....but I will do my best so I can get you to he hospital." and so I nodded and turned to my window and turned on my side and fell asleep resting my ankle down gently using my arms as a pillow.

"Were here sleepy head."Zayn said rubbing my head, making my hair messy.

"Good my ankle is driving me nuts."I said then he walked over to my side picked me up again the same way and I couldn't help but laugh, and he smiled with me to and walked to the entrance ad sat me down at a chair while he went to the front desk.

"Name?" the fat lady said behind the counter in a rude tone.

"Zayn Malik, but I'm here for Tessa Brooks."

"Okay follow me and I'll lead you to the yr room and the doctor will be there shortly."

Zayn the came over to me, picked me up, and followed the lady to their room.

"Here you are the doctor will be in here shortly."she said simply and walked away, and for felt like hour after she left I told zayn I was tired so I fell asleep on the bed with zayn next to me in the chair playing with my hair, and honestly it felt really good, which made me feel more relaxed so then if fell asleep, and awoke to someone flashing a bright light in my eye that caused me to wake up.

"So what brings you here Tessa?" the doctor said flashing the light in my eye to make sure I was conscious.

"I....uh...I...."Was all I managed to spill out.

"She hurt her ankle running and tripped and fell hard, and if I was right she said she heard a crack?" he asked looking at me and I nodded quickly knowing he was right.

"Okya lemme see...does it hurt when I do this?"He said trying to turn my ankle.

"Yes very much actually a lot."I said squinting my eyes to every move he made with my foot.

"Okay so by telling how much it hurts I am pretty sure you sprained your ankle pretty good, it's not broken though which is good for you, but it's sprained I will give you a set of cruchtes, and you will be in them for a good month or so, and do u have anybody at home that u live with?"

"No...well I used to....but not for a while."

"Okay becuz you might need some supervision needed for you so do u have any friends willing to live with you till your okay?"

"I could do it....I mean we are really I will be taking care of her for as long as needed."He said smiling wide.

All I could do was nod until the doctor came back and put the little boot thing on my ankle that was almost knee high and he put it on tightly.

Then after I got my crutches zayn and I walked back to my car and we both got in but he was still driving cuz he was a natural at stick shift.

"Okay so before we go to your place I need to head back to mine to get some stuff okay love?"He said smiling.

"Okie dokie, but are you sure you wanna watch over might get boring after a while."

"No I don't mind at all and trust me yr not boring."He said smirking and I laughed.

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