Chapter 34

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Damn did I love her.

Even though we were a far apart in age, it was SOEMTHING about the both of us that didn't matter how old or young we are.

Age didn't define us.

I massaged her shoulders, and she relaxed into me, making me feel good as well. Her long hair was sticking to her back, and so I lifted it off slinging it over her shoulder. I massages it thoroughly and no words were said.

It was a perfect silence that I was more than happy to keep as long as it was with her.

I moved my hand down from her shoulders to her stomach and caressed it softly. She groaned when I went over a certain spot, and I pulled back slightly moving away from it.

It was probably still from three nights ago.

"I don't want to go back yet." She whispered not turning to me yet.

"We don't have to yet baby." I said softly placing my lips on her damp hair.

"I know it's just I know this is a one time thing I just don't want it to end." She said softly.

"We can always be like this if we give up magic." I said.

Those words were like salt on a fresh wound. I could never give up magic. Ever.

It was a natural part of my being.

It was a part of me, I needed it to breathe,love, and live.

I love Hera to death, but sometimes some things are more important than others.

"But I don't want to give up magic. I love it." She said still whispering.

"And you don't have to. I know we can't always be like this but doesn't mean we can't stop us." I said.

"I know...its just isn't that the only way to live a happily ever after?" She said with a half smile to her self on her cute little face.

"I suppose. But This is the real world. Happily ever after is not a thing unless your Cinderella." I said massaging her still.

She just stayed silent, so I kissed her neck once and let go. She shivered a bit, but then relaxed, and let go of me. she turned around and spoke up.

"Then I guess that makes you my prince." She said with her nimble fingers pressed against my chest with her soft palms.

"Mhm." I said leaning in to kiss her.

I planted my lips onto hers and we moved our lips in a perfect motion.

She massaged my arms and felt the muscle. I could tell she was feeling them as if she never felt something like them before.

Heras POV

His muscles were rough, and hard. Yet they were soft against my body and felt good. They were perfect just like him.

He was imperfect with a crazy ass past of magic to betrayal to love to affairs to losses of great friends or partners. But he always comes out as my true number one.

He manages to be stubborn only with me and everyone else he knows but I adore it and would never change a single thing about him.

"I know you don't want to but we have to get back to the warehouse." He said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

So then I just let my head fall on his chest and ignored it.

"I know." I simply said.

I began to wash my hair but instead Orlando took over and began to massage my head while cleaning my hair making it fresh.

We got out and I wrapped my hair in a towel and my body as well.

Orlando just wrapped a towel around his waist letting it hang low of his hips.

He was hard to resist.

That was a sure thing.

I put on some clothes and he did to and we walked out hand in hand which was unexpected and flew up and to the warehouse with the dawn breaking in.

"Well look who came back after a two day honeymoon." Hydro said walking in to the main room.

"Well she was in the hospital so then some things went wrong and I fixed it up and then she was exhausted so we stayed at her house for the night." Orlando said causally trying to find his way out of this conversation.

"She was in the Hospital?" Apollo said walking up to me and Orlando while our hands were still together but he swiftly let them go and I breathed.

Apollo saw Orlando's quick gesture from my hand and turned away pissed at me.

"Apollo." I said rushing after him, leaving Orlando and Hydros conversation.

He ignored me and kept walking down the hall to his room.

As soon as I reached him he slammed the door in my face.

"Apollo please." I said with a tear rolling down my face and pity clear in my voice.

"Please do not talk to me right now." He said sternly.

"Stop acting like a child! We can't fight if we're working together. It doesn't work like that." I said sadly.

He opened up the door and looked me up and down. Then he leaned in to where his breath was on my face and he slammed his lips against mine. I was stuck in position. I didn't know what to do. So I kissed him back regretfully.


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