Chapter 24 Pain

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Heras POV

All I had remembered was someone picking me up ad stitching my face, and hooking me up to an IV. I was feeling worse than before, and I had saw that there was another gash that my attacker had gotten in my stomach. I hadn't even noticed it, and so I fell back while the doctor came and worked on my belly.

He began to clean the wound with the same swab that stopped all my blood, and he began to stitch it up as well. It took him a bit longer, but he still got it, ad let me rest. I had saw another figure who I recognized. Lando had come in to the doctors room and I tried to croak out a hi, but failed. He had been adding something to my IV that was probably to numb my pain better or something, so I let him do his thing while I watched him intently.

His eyes fell upon mine and he smiled at me with his gorgeous face working swiftly with my IV medicine he was putting in me. He had muttered to himself,'its nt enough,' and I still watched him.

He added more of whatever he was doing, and I suddenly just felt the need to sleep. So I closed my eyes watching my vision die slowly, and I was out.

Orlando's POV

I walked into Hera's room seeing her just stare blankly at her surroundings making me smile to myself noticing she looked cute. I to still felt pretty clumsy, and worm out like the boys, who were in the room getting surgery since Valentino had gotten to them. I gave Hera my seduction medicine. It was basically for her to no longer have feelings towards anyone or anything. She was basically a robot with no emotions. I had put in a large amount so that I knew it would work, and then tried smiling seductively at her but she just stared. That's when I knew it was just enough.

I then walked out of the room, and saw Hydro's room and walked in casually while my head began to pound erotically.

"How you holding up man?" I asked him,blinking my eyes quickly feeling the room dim.

"Fine." He mumbled drowsily.

"Are you alright?"


"Valentino what?"


"He what?"

"Poisoned me with my own venom..."

And then it fit.


"I tried sucking it out.."


"Let the doctor handle it."

"I know but he's not fast enough man."

"Yes he is. Now stop doubting yourself."

" not kidding...he isn't fast enough...working wise.."

"You'll be okay." I said bluntly knowing that he would say he's dying.

" losing it.."

Then the doc came back just in time.

He started working quickly while Hydros eyes maintained closed and his heartbeat steady.

He had seen where the venom was injected, and worked away swiftly.

He had sucked it out, letting it filter through the IV. Color and relief washed over Hydro's face and I gave him a small smile and walked away.

I went into Apollo's room, and saw he was unconscious. I rushed over to his bed and tried waking him up. He was in a coma. How was this possible? Everyone was suddenly hurt. He never gets like this unless it's only Valentino.

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