Chapter 36

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"Okay let's see if this has bonded to you yet." Orlando said.

He said if it has all we have to do is lock it away safely in the Head quarters in the key west of Florida so about three hours away from here.

"It hasn't." I said.

"Are you...are you sure? That can't be quite possible I am pretty sure it would have bonded to you by now." He said turning the cube in my hand.

"Well it hasn't."

"I am well aware of that. But I cannot possess why." He said trying to comprehend why this weapon of destruction hasn't bonded to me eternally yet.

"Do you think it's a-" I started.

"This isnt the real one. This is a goddamn fake!" He said throwing it on the floor.

Oh shit.

"We're you paying any attention to what you were getting?" Lando said raising his voice.

"Yes I was." I fired back.

"God damn it Tessa shut te hell up!" He said.

I didn't answer. It was my fault I wasn't paying attention to what I thought was the death cube.

"Fuck." Orlando said under his breath.

I let him curse out.

We met Apollo and Hydro outside while hydro had retracted his scaly skin.

"What happened?" Apollo said coming over to me.

"It's nothing." I said.

"Your face is fucking bruised and bloody." He said examining me like a science project.

"Leave her the fuck alone ever heard of fighting Apollo?" Orlando said getting pissed.

"He's only pissed off because that's a prototype of the death cube. Valentino took off with the real version and now we have to track him down and set a trap." I finished.

"How the hell did you my notice?" Hydro snapped at me.

"Maybe because it looked just like the fucking real version." I snapped back.

"Okay you two shut the fuck up. We gotta figure out our next fucking move and I don't need and damn fucking distractions." He said.

He cursed like ten thousand times in one sentence but I would be pissed too so I can't blame him.

"Now let's teleport back." He said," link arms." And we did so.

I was on the ground again with my head spinning.

"Now everyone back to their rooms and rest. Tomorrow we're on the move again." He said," Hera come with me." he said.

I got up struggling and waddled a bit and he took me into the elevator into the medical bay.

He took me into a room and gave me to Doctor 9.

"Put the chip in her brain now." He said,"and make sure nobody can get through to it and break down the mental barriers."

What was we doing.

"What the-" I said.

Doctor 9 told me to calm down and gave me laughing gas on my face and hooked me up to an IV to keep me unconscious while he out the chip in my brain.

"I'll be here when you wake up." Orlando said.

And that was the last thing I heard in my mind to my eyes went heavy and I closed then shut.


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