Chapter 26 Whats wrong with me?

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Heras POV

I was still against the door, letting my tears flow from my eyes. I had felt atleast that much pain for about 15 mins. I was just so out of it. I definitely couldn't work up the nerve to head back to the warehouse. It would be to much without breaking down crying if front of everyone.

I eventually got up and walked around the house realizing I never had so many floors. I went up two floors and opened a large door and walked in. I was amazed to find a clean indoor pool with a giant glass window reflecting off the ocean across.

I stripped off my shirt realizing I had nothing under, and no clothes but I was alone so I didn't mind skinny dipping by myself. I took my shorts and shirt off, and dove feeling the cool water refresh my thoughts. I was thankful to be alone for once. My body was still tinged with pain from last night, but my muscles relaxed in the water.

I just kept doing a couple laps pumping my legs, and taking short breaths. I really was hoping nobody else would come to see me or kiss me, or talk to me. I didn't want to be around anyone.

I eventually got out feeling exhausted, and walked out of the water dripping wet. Thank god there was a towel rack stocked fresh, so I grabbed one and wrapped it around me. It smelled like fresh ocean water, or clean clothes with the detergent smell. It made me think of when my mom did my laundry when I was a kid.

I went down one floor to my moms room, and walked in. It still smelled like her perfume, like she left it, and I walked around looking at the pictures she hung of me, my brother, Ally, my dad, and my mom. It crushed me inside realizing I had barely any family left. My dad, brother, aunt, and mom were all dead. I haven't even told my sister that Jenny, and my mom were both dead. Anyways, I walked to her drawers, and slipped on some loose shorts, and loose shirt, and put my little socks back on. I walked out downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a cold izzie from the fridge. Then I saw one of those long sandwiches you buy at Safeway or something that have a lot of meat and cheese on them. I took it out and cut a slice. Then I grabbed a thing of Pringles, and sat on the island table.

I just munched away only hearing myself eat my food, and listen to my own breath. I had realized not much time has passed considering it was already October, and Halloween was coming up soon. I didn't know if I was able to go dress up, and go to a party or something, but why not get a costume any ways I could always hand out candy. So I finished my sandwich and put the plate in the sink, washed it, and put on shoes. I grabbed my Spair car keys, and hopped into my bug.

I smelled my car, glad that I was back.

"I miss you." I told it, leaning back the chair and starting the engine.

I drove around town looking for the nearest halloween store and found one. I pulled into a parking spot, and locked my car getting out. I walked in browsing all the cool costumes, and then looked at all the little scary things they had with buttons you pressed and they would jump or scream at you. My head was still feeling a little nauseated from the might before, but I shook it off.

I went Into women's and found a costume. Of course it was slutty. That was all they sold for Halloween if your 18 years old. Skanky costumes. But I found one and bought it anyways. I was a sexy swashbuckler pirate that really showed off my boobs. I checked out, and while I went to go out the door, I dropped. I heard people shouting to get me help, and call 911, because I didn't know what was happening, I couldn't remember a thing. All I remembered was the fight last night. I remember getting kicked in the head, and slashed in my face. I didn't remember why I fell and couldn't force myself to wakeup. Nothing. I could hear everything anyone said, but I couldn't form words to come out of my mouth. I felt dead. Yet, I was alive breathing.

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