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Tessa's POV

"Hey mom wats up?"

"Jenny....her and I have to go New York City, to begin her kemo therapy and they said it will take a while and that it would be a smart idea to take a plane tonight, so I already packed Jenny and our stuff to go tonight.."

"So your basically saying I will be living by myself....for about a couple of months?"

"Yes...well...yea...I am sorry to throw it on you so soon but we got the call this morning and it all happened so fast and u know she is my sister."

"No I completely understand mom...I am gonna be fine and I'll get a job for bills to."

"Huny I already worked out all that, all u need to do is be careful by yourself."

"Trust me I'll be fine mom so when does yr flight leave?"

"In an hour so we must get going....I love you so much and Jenny is a.ready in the car asleep love u sweety bye."

"Love you to mom."We said hugging and she left out the door, when I got a text.


Hey Tess it's zayn wats up?


Nothing got the whole place to myself for a while now wanna come over and watch a movie?


Sure be there in a bit

Then the doorbell had rung and there stood zayn in the fog, and walked in.

"Nice place you got's so big...."He said stunned.

"Yea well it's not mine anyways but I like it."

"Wanna hear a funny pick up line?"He said smirking.

"Hit me with your best shot."

"Do you live on a chicken farm? 'Cause you sure know how to raise a cock."

"Dam that was a good one...but I'm better."I said raising an eyebrow and he laughed. Before I told my line him and I made our way to the couch and he dropped his jackets and shoes at the door and I told him my joke.

"You're just like my little toe, because I'm going to bang you on every piece of furniture in my home." I said laughing so hard I was crying.

"Oh do u know baby?"He said huskily with a smirk.

"Oh yes Huny boo!" I said and we laughed really hard.

Then when we're done with our horrible jokes we watched mean girls and laughed the whole way into the movie, and him and I kept talking to the TV even though we knew they couldn't hear us and we laughed some more and then made fun of the girls, and then acted like them, and then it got really late.

"Hey Tess thanks for inviting me over we should do it again our make it like our nightly thing our something becuz it's really fun with you."he said lunching my shoulder playfully.

"Yea totally dude it was awesome see ya later." and then we gave each other and unexpected hug and I closed the door, locked up, and went to bed with the soothing sounds of the waves close to my ear.

Friday had finally made its way, and I had gotten out of bed and chose to wear some comfy clothing like a loose shirt that still fit well, and some converse and some running shorts, and I didn't feel like wearing any makeup and I didn't care it was Friday who gave a shit? Then I got my sunglasses and got into my car and as usual drove to ZAYNs house which was about ten minutes away from mine and picked him up.

When I honked he came jogging out the door, with a tight fitting black shirt and some jeans and scuffed boots and his usual hairstyle, and a cigarette in his mouth.

"Good morning pretty."He said smiling

"Hi zayn, ah no cigarettes in my car."I said blushing and kindly cuz honestly that's the first time anyone had called me that since Ryan and I had kinda been on the rocks lately, and he hasn't texted me at all even if I txt him he wouldn't txt back so I cherished it, but something about Ryan made him come off a little more shady to me now since he never stops by at my locker or anything like it suddenly all stopped.

"I never got around to telling you this, but you have real nice car like I'm into old fashioned cars you know?"

"Thanks and it's a 1954 bug Volkswagen and I got it for cheap to and I just love my car it's like my baby."

"Haha yr baby." he said and I laughed.

We had finally gotten to the school and I had about a couple minutes before my class started so I went ahead to my locker when I started hearing this slight moan, so I put my stuff back and followed the noise as if I were a spy. When I reached my destination I opened the door, which was the janitors closet and low and behold guess who was there.

"U....u......woah.....I did not see that coming." and I empathized the 'do not'part purposely.


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