Chapter 18 You again

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"Jess...Jessica Ramirez."

Those words were like a bullet to the head. I froze.

I sank to te bottom of the ocean ignoring Apollo calling my name from above and trying to swim towards me. I was able to manage my breath and I could breathe under water like a fish. It was.....weird but I just kept swimming and swimming away and away from Apollo. He gave up on me, and got out to his rock and moved to the sand. I eventually stopped swimming away from him and got out to the sand and sat down next to him.

"Sorry for swimming away from just kinda set me off."

He stayed solemn, and didn't flinch.

I huffed out a breath, and looked towards the sun.

"She is really nice and sweet and pretty, and has a nice laugh."

"And young...and bitchy..." I said trailing off.

"She's nice once you get to know her...and why do you hate her so much.?"

"She was a bitchy person to me....took advantage of me since I was new you know.."

"Oh....sorry....didnt know she had a dark side." He said turning toward me eventually.

"We'll I guess you can call yourself lucky for dating someone so....nice...." I said laying down, and then Apollo looked at me and his eyes trailed all over me up and down. This boy couldn't keep his boundries. He licked his lips and his eyes filled with lust. He got on top of me,knees dug into the sand, arms making a border around me, wanting me. He leaned in close to my lips and breathed,

"Your fucking gorgeous" and kissed my lips.

I was surprised he had wanted me like this. I know I had thought that I liked him, and I knew I did, but I dot know. I went along with it because the more we kissed the more like I felt for him. He was growing on me and I liked it. Our lips moved in sync, I had bit his lip softly for entrance into his mouth and he opened it slightly and I slid my tongue in. I explored his mouth keeping up with our tempo, and he began to grind his hips into me and left no space between our parts. The rough the kiss got te more he put into his grinding into me. It felt great, he was honestly the best I've never had, and it felt great to get what you want. Our kiss began to slow down a little and he kept moving his hips in a perfect motion into me, and I joined making myself feel alive. My body burned with heat, and I was tingling in every spot possible, and his hands one free hand had moved to my right breast and began massaging it tenderly, and never let go of my lips. I let out a slight moan, that I couldn't hold in any longer, and his hand had trailed from my breast to my inner thighs. He began to rub my inner things and massaging them and I just felt like I wanted to scream, but bottled it in me, and moaned quietly. He had stopped the rubbing of my inner thighs, and moved his lips to in between my breasts, and kissed the middle once and his lips lingered there, and let go rolling off of me.

"Wow." He breathed heavily.

"Wow." I repeated breathing as if I ran a marathon.

"What do we do now?" He asked softly turning to me.

"We go back to the warehouse and I'm going to teach you both a fucking lesson god!" Orlando yelled to loudly, making me snap my heads towards him. He motioned for Apollo to get up and into the car, and I followed slipping on my shirt.

The entire ride back to the warehouse was silent, and lonely. I could just feel Apollo and I were wondering the same thing. What are we now? Do we love each other? Do we like each other? Will we date in the future? Will we stop ourselves from making love? I could only feel Orlando's anger. He must have been holding it in long enough to yell at me and Apollo for our dirty behavior. We finally arrived and I jumped out first one to the door, and ran to my room checking my phone for no apparent reason. One missed message.

Sis I need your help! Please please help me. I am in a mental hospital and I got in big ass trouble and I need you to get me out there's something I haven't told you. Please help.

So many thoughts ran through my head. I walked to the bathroom, and took a quick shower, ignoring all of the yelling that was coming from Orlando and Apollo.

"-you have got to stop!"

"-she's not-" I COUDLNT hear everything, and only bits and parts, so I gave up and finished my shower. I had felt REAALY bad for Apollo but what defense did I have? He kissed me and I didn't stop him? The blame was on both of us, but he had it coming harder. I slipped on a plain white cotton tee, and a leather jacket, and some jeans, and vans, and walked out with my phone. I had snuck out quietly and grabbed the keys to Orlando's giant garage of cars and the door opened up slowly. There was a huge variety of gorgeous classics and his camaro, but I picked out a nice shiny black farari. I got its keys, and hopped in, garage door opened up, and I drove off fast before Apollo would notice I was gone.

Orlando's POV

I could not possibly keep these two off each other it was practically fucking impossible. It was really pissing me off, and I knew exactly what to do. Anywyas I yelled at Apollo, and we fought back and forth since he was trying to get to Heras mind. It was fucking annoying, I mean if anything I should end up with her, sounds weird, but I've wanted her since. But you don't always get what you want.


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