Chapter 28 Back&Forth

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*Continuing flashback*

Jonah. THATS what his name was. I have no clue how I always forgot it. But it was to easy.

"Um Tessa?" Jonah said waving his hands in front of me.

"Oh...sorry..." I said with a small smile climbing into the car. I could feel Jonah's gaze on my back while my dress lifted up a bit in the back, and I blushed. Through the whole ride to Homecoming it was an awkward silence.

Jonah didn't bother talking to me, and so I sighed. I knew he wasn't worth my time. He went for girls way above me. Girls who didn't need makeup to be pretty.

"We're here." ALEX said and Summer wiggle her eyebrows at me, and I laughed.

We got out of the car and I nearly tripped on my heels, making me curse myself. I heard Jonah quietly laugh at me and I turned around and glared at him.

"Hey sorry." He said smiling jokingly, and I pushed him on his chest and laughed.

"Oh SHUTUP!" I laughed and he pushed me playfully. I laughed with him and before you knew it I was having a good time.

"These...dances are really my thing...neither is dressing up." He said waving his hand towards his tux. I stopped and admired him. He looked absolutely perfect in a tux. He was so damn hot. He was a gorgeous brown eye boy.

"You look really pretty by the way.." He said slowly, dragging his eyes up and down my body.

"Thanks." I said looking away, and walking to the entrance. We were already in, and they were playing one of my favorite songs by The Wanted. So I started moving along to the beat, as Summer and I walked in.

Suddenly after about a half hour of dancing a slow song came on. So since I didn't have a date, I waved bye to Summer and walked away from the dance floor. I saw Jonah walk up to a girl and ask her to dance, and I felt myself being stabbed by a knife in the heart. So I looked away and walked outside taking a breath.

"Having fun in there?" A mysterious voice said.

"Yea." I shrugged.

"I'm Brandon." He said looking my way.

" can call me Tess." I said smiling.

"You look down...what happened?"

"My crush...he just um...danced with someone else." I blurted.

"Oh...sorry...same here." Huh.

"Oh...sorry..." I said awkwardly," who your crush?" I asked.

"Haha...nah she's younger than me.." He said.

"No tell me." I said TRYIBG a smile.

"Really? well okay then. Summer Bannis." Summer?

"Summer....Bannis?" I said with a sly smile, almost cackling.

"Yea..." He said looking away from me.

"She's my best friend! I could totally ask if she's interested." I said trying to be nice, yet funny.

"Nah...its alright. She's into that ALEX guy.." He said.

"She's not..." I blurted. Fuck.

"She isnt?" He asked hopeful.

"Nope..I wasn't supposed to say anything, because is really selfish and she feels terrible...but she said it'll make her look...good..."

" low...sorry..but it just is."He said shrugging.

"Yea I know...thats why I didn't tell anyone..." I said looking around to see if anyone had seen us.

"Well then she's not worth my time...but do you wanna dance?" He asked casually.

Yes, or no?

"Why not." I muttered and he led me to the dance floor, and we began to slow dance.

It felt...nice. He was much taller than me, and good looking to. He knew exactly what he was doing since I didn't know how to slow dance.

I just moved with him slowly, while he began to press his chest against mine. So I moved my hands to his neck wrapping them around. Eventually the song had died down, and it felt like hours had passed by in three minutes.

"Thanks though." Brandon said walking outside again. He was weird. Like a treasure untold. Or a legendary map that was never revealed. Or a secret well kept. So I walked outside slowly, and he was gone.

"What?" I said to myself as someone spun me around.

"Jonah?" I almost yelled. Inside of me I was excited he came to talk to me. But outside I had to play it cool.

"Who were you dancing with?" He asked me rudely.

"Um...why do you care?" I said shocked he was wondering about Brandon.

"He's bad news. I wouldn't fall for him." He said looking at my lips then back up.

"Once again I ask...why do you care?" And he pushed me up against a wall in the dark.

"Because I like you." He said and then pressed his lips to mine. I hadn't had my first kiss yet, so to me it felt great. He knew what he was doing, and instinctively my lips responded on their own.
I woke up batting my eyes quickly. I tried to sit up, but it hurt my stomach to much. I turned to the table and found my phone. I grabbed it off the table nearly dropping it. I checked the time and it read,'11:14'am. How was I still here? I looked over at the chair and saw Orlando sleeping on it. Why was he still here?


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