Chapter 37

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My mind had drifted off to a solemn place and I suddenly woke up.

"Sucks here, doesn't it?" A voice said in the distance.

"Where am I?" I said startled standing in the middle of a red sky, and red sand. I felt like I was on Mars.

"Your in your conscience." The voice said.

I still couldn't see it but I felt closer to it.

"I'm in my what?" I said.

"Conscience. Ever heard of it?" The voice said sarcastically.

"Who are you?" I asked finding my way around to the voice.

"I'm you." It said.

"No your not."

"Come closer and you'll see." It said probably with a wicked smile.

"Oh my god. What are you? Are you a reflection?" I said wondering what the thing I was looking at.

"I am. In a way. In a way I am your life source. Without me,your dead." Me said. Well my reflection.

"I am your resource to magic. Without me no magic, no life. Before magic came into your life, you wouldn't need me to live. If people were to see your cause of death, it would be if fatal diseases. No one would no it was me." It/me said.

"You can just call me you, you know. We are the same people." You said.

"I am confused. Without you I'm dead. How could you ever leave my body though?" I said taking a slight step back.

"Oh don't worry. I don't plan on leaving soon. I will leave when I'm stronger. Technically you don't have that much time to live. When we are a power you can either let me take over your body, or die." You said.

"What would be terrible about having you take over my body? You wouldn't be evil, would you?" I said.

"Well that depends. Basically I can will own you. YOULL still be here, but then you'll be trapped in this hell hole. In a way we are taking turns. But you have had 18 whole years to be cage free. I haven't. So in a way this is completely fair." Me said.

"No it's not. Why would I let you turn me?" I said.

"Would you rather die? Or live with me? And have all the strong power in the world right at your fingertips and run the world. We are what people fear." Me said.

"No. You are what people fear. I am me. I am not you. I won't turn evil and let you take over my body. I would rather die with my own humanity than live with regrets and shame." I fired.

"There would be no regrets or shame. And I wouldn't have to turn evil. Did I say I was?" Me said.

"You made it pretty damn clear." I said.

"Did I say I was?" It repeated.

"No you didn't. But you were clearly interpreting it." I said pissed.

"Have it your way. You can either be a complete stubborn brat, and make it harder to live your life with magic, or you can SHUTUP and start listening to me and maybe I won't have to take over your body. Maybe we could make up a little deal." It said.

"But you,it,-" It stopped me.

"Don't call me it. It's really annoying. Call me Tessa." It said eyeing me.

"No."I said quickly.

"Why not?" It asked me.

"Because that's my name. My name is Tessa not yours." I snapped.

"Our name is Tessa." It said.

"No my name." I said standing my ground.

"No. Your name is Hera? Got it?" It said.

" name is...Tessa." I said having trouble spitting out the word.

"What's the matter?Cat got your tongue?" It said.

"No." I said.

"Well call me Tessa or our deal for you staying alive is off. Got it?" Tessa said.

"That's better." Tessa said.

"Yes." I said.

"So what's our little deal, Tessa?" I asked.

"Well, you and I won't argue and you might just make it easier for your life. Or you keep being a stubborn brat and nothing will go your way. The deal is, as long as we both get along and listen to each other ill stay out of your way in your body unless you need me. All you have to do when your in trouble is say my name. Heres the catch, once you have said my name three times, on the third time, I get to take your body over completely no question. Okay?" Tessa said.

"What do you mean if I need you?" I said.

"In battle, or a fight. When you are getting beaten down and can no longer put up a fight."

"My own savior in a way." I mumbled.

"Correct. But more powerful. And harder to control but you'll get used to it. And I'm limited. So use me wisely." Tessa said.

"What happens if I use all three?" I asked.

"Then that's when our deal comes in." Tessa said then,"Wake up." And she was gone in a blink of an eye, and I blinked my eyes.

I was freaking out. How is this possible. There is no way I can live.

"Lando." I said not being able to see for some reason.

I was scrambling for something to hold onto. I was feeling around. I couldn't see a thing. I was in my bed but all I could hear was voices.

"Hera. It's okay. It's me. Calm down." I heard ORLANDO said grabbing a hold of my arm that was searching for him.

"Orlando. I can't see at all. What is happening!" I said flustered. I was panicking. As if I was becoming claustrophobic.

"It's alright. Your vision will come back soon." He said trying to calm me down but it wasn't working. Something as messing with my vision as if there were a switch and they had turned it off. My mind was blocking me from the answer.

Tessa's POV

While she was still fresh in vision we made a deal.

She woke up and my fingers were crossed as soon as she was gone. I walked away silently with my fingers crossed behind my back. I had won this. I will win this. I already won this.

She will never see it coming. Ever.

Heras POV

My vision had snapped back and I knew exactly what was causing it.

"Her." Was all I said.

And Orlando looked me straight in the eyes with his head tilted to the side cutely not knowing what was in me.


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