Chapter 30

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Orlando's POV

I rushed to the hospital finding indeed gore and guts all over the floor and written in blood.

"HELP ME" And I shuttered.

I saw a woman running away as quickly as she can and I grabbed a hold of her.

"Dont...hurt me please!" She screamed.

"I'm not I'm not...where is she?" I asked my magic almost over powering me to come.

" over there..." She said pointing while her lips trembled.

And then I saw her. Once a beautiful girl, always a beautiful girl. Until she met me.

"Hera." I said walking over to her casually risking my life.

"Lando...glad to see you...your just in time for this mans torturing." She said with a devilish smile, I was almost proud of her.

"I came here to get you. Thankgod you are in one piece. Now let's go." I said casually like I always do, in these situations.

"But I was just getting started." She whimpered.

"I was about to rip out his throat and shove into the other mans throat." She said whimpering again.

"To bad. Now let's go Tessa." I said and she cocked her head to me like I was mental.

"Tessa?" she repeated dropping to the floor in a heap.

Damn did this girl make a scene....a bloody scene.

I picked her up, and she didn't budge. I managed to grab her phone, and her costume for some reason and walked out holding her. I didn't know anywhere else to take her. So I brought her to her house.

I parked my car, and shunted her car here.

I got out holding her easily, and opened the door, with my mind.

The door opened softly and I pushed it open further using her as leverage.

I dropped her in her room, and left her there. I walked back outside, and went to my car.

"Wait." Hera said nearly falling over and she stumbled.

I caught her while she almost fell over and chuckled to myself.

"Can u stay?Just for one night." She asked me her breath sounded tired.

"No." I said with no hesitation.

"Please Lando...just once, I don't want to be home alone after what happened...I should still be in the hospital right now." She said glumly looking down.

I wanted to say no, but I didn't. Just one night I had to be nice.

"Fine." I said and she smiled grabbing onto my shoulder, nearly falling over.

I could tell she was weak. It was still because of me.

She walked over to her room limping, and fell into the bed.

"You don't have to sleep in those clothes you know." She said.

" would be distracted if I took my pants and shirt off.

I knew her to well. She tried to hide her blushing, so I made her face almost a tomato red, by pulling off my shirt and jeans laying next to her. To close. Dangerously close.

"How do you manage to forgive me?" I asked quietly.

"How could I not? No matter what we do...we always make up, even if it is you poisoning me, and my heart is at a fail, but it's okay." She said and I could tell she wasn't being sarcastic.

"But I nearly killed you and you-" She cut me off.

"I said it's okay...its not your fault anyways. I was glad that I got jumbled up in this mess with magic....i am in love with it."SE repeated making me feel hot and sweaty. I wanted her.

"I am glad you came to...because I need someone annoying by my side..." I said making it sound gushy to funny.

"Oh shut up Lando." She sad slapping my chest, and I caught her hand, and put it over her head.

"Never." I said my breath hot in her face, and I could feel her skin pulsing against my touch.

I knew exactly what I had been wanting to do to her forever. It was already December and I have known her for a while now.

I brushed my lips against hers, and she moaned lightly just at me touching her.

"What are we doing?" she breathed.

"I need you." I said and her eyes doubled, and her breath hitched, and her heart beat quickened and she was hotter than ever.

"Lando." She said into my mouth, and I bit her lower lip asking for permission into her mouth. She gladly obliged and opened up just enough so that I could slip my tongue into hers caressing her mouth.

She felt so good. Her lips felt so good moving with mine. She tasted better than anyone I had hooked up with. Ever.

"Hera." I moaned into her mouth.

I began to rock my hips into hers and she was on fire.

Heras POV

He began to rock his hips into mine and I lost it. He was amazing at this. Better than Jonah and Ryan, who I only had sex with once each.


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