Go Big or Go Home - part I

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Hi guys, so this is a mini story, still not sure how many chapters but no more than 5.

Context: Season 7, the girls find out that Alison got pregnant with Emily's eggs. But, in here, Paige decides to stay for Emily...

Go Big or Go Home – part I

*** Alison's narrative ***

I'm going to tell you a secret... magic doesn't exist... fairy tales are no real... we like to think we can have it all, but we can't... we will not... and, no matter how much you want it, reality will reach you and then, you just give it up... you give up on love...

The blonde has completely zoned out. She was so calm, sleeping in her sofa and then, her peace just got interrupted when she looked up and saw Paige's face; the blonde wasn't sure of what was coming up till she looked around and, there she was... Emily... Emily and Paige inside her house, together...

'We knocked, it was open', that's what Paige said and, Alison couldn't care less since the only she can focus right now, it's on seeing Paige and Emily holding hands. Alison stares at their hands, she stares at the girls, at the couple and with a sad sigh, she realizes what this means...

Emily. – "Ali..."

The brunette starts talking but, honestly Alison has completely zoned out...

Paige. – "Alison, are you hearing what we're saying...?"

Alison gets out of her trance and says. – "Huh? Oh... ah... yeah... I... I... I'll think about it..."

Emily. – "You'll think about it?!" (She says a little angry) "What kind of an answer is that?!"

If getting this unexpected and unpleasant visit wasn't enough, Emily rising her voice was just the cherry on the top...

Alison snaps. – "Look EMILY! This is my body, I didn't ask for this, I got pregnant with your eggs against my will, so yeah! Like I told you last night! I'll think about it, I'm still thinking about it, so back off!"

Emily pleads. – "Ali, please, I want to rise this baby..." (She holds Paige's hand and says) "We want to rise this baby... you don't have to worry about anything, I'm not asking you to be part of his life... you have to do nothing else besides giving birth..."

The brunette says those words, thinking it would make Alison feel better but, her harsh words had the opposite effect on the blonde and, Emily notices it when those blue eyes burst in tears...

Emily gulps hard. – "Ali...?"

The brunette sees pain in Alison's eyes, so much pain and, her 1st impulse is to rush towards Alison and hug her, comfort her but, she hesitates, she's not sure if she should approach and sadly she loses her chance to do something when the blonde says angry...

Alison yells angry. – "Get out! GET OUT!"

The blonde pushes both girls outside her house and when the door closes, she falls apart on the floor... tears fall from her blue eyes because it hurts... it really hurts that Emily wasn't considering Alison's feelings, the brunette wasn't considering the possibility of letting Alison be part of the baby's life and that, that broke, even more, Alison's heart...

(In the Brew, the next day)

Thinking she would find comfort on 'those' she calls her friends, Alison tells the girls, everything that happened last night...

Alison says angry. – "WHO the HELL she thinks I'M?! HUH?! I'm not a fucking laying hen!" (She runs a hand through her hair and says with a bitter voice) "She can't just expect me to go with it, it's like she wants me to be her surrogate mother..."

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