In love with the Beast - 4

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Next chapter will be the ending of this mini story. I'll try to update soon, but, I can't promise anything. Anyway, this chapter will start some days after the previews one.

NOTE: In parenthesis, it's to describe the scene, to locate us in the place. Also, please take note that in this story: the beast = Alison = white wolf = wolf...

I hope it's clear, and, I'll put some notes at the end of the chapter for some clarifications if it's necessary. Thank you if you've the time to leave a review, see u soon!

In love with the Beast - 4

(In the Fields House)

Everything looked the same after Wayne's departure, but, Alison could sense that the brunette wasn't really the same. Normally, Alison DiLaurentis doesn't care how the others feel, but, for a reason Alison can't understand, she cares, a lot, about how Emily feels. And, that's why...

Emily was in her room, looking through the window, with her gaze settled far away, when she felt something on her leg and she says. - "Stop pulling from my pants! What are you doing?!"

The wolf that has become her best friend doesn't stop pulling out from Emily's pants in order to make her move. The brunette has no idea of what her furry friend has in mind, but...

Emily. - "Okay, okay, okay... I'll follow you... it's that what you want, right?"

The wolf nods with a big smile, and, just like that, they get out of the house...

(In the forest)

Emily loved the nature, that's something she got from her Dad. Walking in between big trees, breathing the pure air, hearing the birds. This is what she needed to feel better...

Emily pats the wolf's head and says. - "Thank you, I really needed this..."

Alison's thoughts. - "And, this is just the beginning... follow me, I want to show you something..."

The wolf guides them to a beautiful waterfall, Emily grins when she sees the crystal running water...

The wolf guides them to a beautiful waterfall, Emily grins when she sees the crystal running water

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Emily mumbles with a big smile. - "You really know me..."

The wolf smiles, Alison smiles, because she really has put attention on what the brunette likes: swimming, water, running, nature, pizza, Disney's movies... in her mind, Alison makes a big list of all the things that Emily likes, and, Alison stays astonished when she realizes that she knows that much about the brunette...

Alison's thoughts. - "Why I know so much about her...? It's not like we know each other since forever... so, why...? Why I know what she likes, what she doesn't like...? Why I care to remember every single detail about her...? Why cheering her up is so damn important for me...? Why...?"

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