My Mannequin - 01

391 19 12

Any love story starts with a girl...


"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

Yeah, every good story starts with a girl and in this case that girl is Emily Fields. The brunette who's rushing to bring the boxes of the new collection to her manager. You might wonder what the hell is doing Emily in a departmental store and believe me, she's wondering the same. Like any child, our dear Emily always dreamed of doing more with her life than spending most of her time changing the clothes of mannequins or cleaning the mess of her best friend Hanna.

"Why do we have just big sizes?! Didn't I ask Hanna to order one item of each size?! Damn it! Fix it, Emily!"

"But, I..."

"No, buts Emily! You want to keep your job, you better fix this now!"

The brunette sighs, she was planning to get out of work earlier today so she could go to the store and do groceries because knowing Hanna, on her day off she's probably eating everything she finds in the fridge.

"Emily, what are you waiting for?! Move!"

"Oh! Yes! Right!"

The manager doesn't wait to speak poorly about her as soon she turns around, Emily doesn't seem shocked, her boss is not a nice person. Even then, her way of speaking about others hurts, but Emily has no time to think about it so, the brunette shakes her head, she cannot focus on her feelings getting hurt now, she needs to fix Hanna's mistake or their boss will not hesitate on leaving them without a job and they cannot afford that. So, like always, it's to Emily to fix everything.

Since the moment Emily met Hanna at the orphanage years ago, she knew that the blonde would bring her nothing more than troubles, nevertheless she became her friend. Where is the logic on that? There's none and that's because this brunette doesn't follow logic, she's guided by her heart. Maybe that's why everyone loves her, everyone except her boss who doesn't waste any time to make her feel miserable.

"She's jealous of your beauty, Em, you shouldn't let her talk to you like that"

"It's okay, Aria. I don't mind..."

The little brunette pouts, puffing her cheeks because she disagrees, she can see it in her eyes. Emily looks sad, who wouldn't? No one likes to be treated badly. But, without parents, without someone else as support, what other option she has than to lower her head and keep the job that pays the rent?

Life is tragic most of the time but that doesn't stop Emily to keep seeing the good in this world. Because as hard as it can be, this brunette still believes in the goodness of people, in fairy tales and magic. And, there's nothing more closer to magic than love.

Oh... love, a word so simple and yet complicated at the same time. Emily has read about it in so many poems, in so many novels. She can recite the most beautiful verses about love, but those words feel empty when her heart has never really had a real glance of such a feeling. Yeah, love has never really knocked Emily's door... at least not yet.

Emily constantly daydreams about love, about what she would like to have. And, she shares all those dreams with no one else than the girl she dresses every day. The thin and unmoving figure that has blond hair and according to Emily, the most beautiful blue eyes she has ever seen. And, once again, Emily was flattering the white doll when the security boy, her friend, approached.

"Always talking to that mannequin, Emily. People will start to believe you're crazy..."

The brunette chuckles, she doesn't care if people think she's crazy, she likes to talk to the mannequin. It's her little window to escape reality when the work it's too tiresome. Emily might look tough but that's just a facade. Just like the mannequin, Emily shows an image of her that's far to be the reality. Maybe that's why she feels so comfortable talking with the mannequin, because sometimes she feels like her, looking good as inside she feels so empty. Because after all, what is a life without love?

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