Playdate rescue

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"Yamada!" Kusumoto waved to him, Yoshiyuki was in a pushchair that day. Yamada smiled and waved to her, Izu copied him, waving his arms excitedly. "Well, someone's excited today." Kusumoto smiled at Izu, who giggled.

"Ba!" Izu replied

"Da." Yoshiyuki said, the two boys began to babble to each other.

"I'm curious to know what they're talking about." Yamada watched them.

"Sometimes, it is best not to ask." Kusumoto nodded. "Come on, Yoshida isn't in today, so there's nothing that will bother Izu."

"What do you mean?" Yamada asked

"N-never mind." Kusumoto muttered, Yamada watched her in concern. Izu looked up at his dad, before looking over at Kusumoto with a curious expression.


"Well, Yoshida's at work, and he usually works from 9 to 5, so the boys have a few hours to play." Kusumoto told him. "He wasn't too happy with the idea, but I think he understood when I said it would help Shiyu's development."

"Shiyu? I am guessing that's short for Yoshiyuki?" Yamada smiled

"Yeah, he likes it. Don't you, Shiyu?" Kusumoto hugged her son, he giggled. When they got into the house, Kusumoto put Shiyu in his playpen, and she told Yamada to put Izu in there two. The two boys giggled at each other and continued talking in their own special language. "Now, would you like a cup of tea? Oh, and have seat."

"That would be lovely, thank you." Yamada nodded, taking a seat and watched the boys with a smile. At least they seemed to get along, Yoshiyuki was quite happy to share his toys with Izu.

"They seem to get along nicely." Kusumoto returned with cups of tea.

"I was just thinking that." Yamada accepted the cup she held out. "Izu's never really had a chance to meet anyone else his age, I have always kept him close, even when teaching."

"I bet your classes love him." Kusumoto chuckled, Yamada nodded with a smile.

"Pretty much adore him, the teachers too." Yamada told her.

"Has them wrapped around their little fingers eh?" Kusumoto looked at the boys.

"Completely." Yamada smiled, he remembered what Kusumoto has said about her husband and about Izu. He frowned at her. "Kyoumi, you would tell me if something was wrong, wouldn't you?" He surprised her by using her first name, she looked at him with wide eyes before looking at her tea.

"Somethings are not easy to talk about, Yamada." She muttered.

"I am not just an old friend, I am a hero. I am always here to help." Yamada told her seriously. "I something is wrong from what you said earlier."

"I had hope you would drop that..." Kusumoto admitted.

"Since having Izu, I pay closer attention to what people say. Izu is proof that people do hid much deeper emotions, and he can sense them. He was curious about you, and he has never been curious about a stranger before, so, please." Yamada looked at her with concern "What's wrong?"

"Papa!" Izu suddenly cried out, Yamada looked. Izu was reaching for him, his eyes wide.

"Izu?" Yamada asked, he was about to stand, when the front door slammed open. Yamada looked up as Yoshida walked, he grimaced at the smell of alcohol. He glared at Yoshida, he hadn't changed much in the years that had passed, he had a feeling he was still a big asshole. Yoshida glared at Yamada with hazy eyes, they narrowed.

"What's he doing here?" Yoshida demanded

"Yoshiyuki's playdate..." Kusumoto muttered.

"Since when has Yamada been a dad?" Yoshida sneered.

"A while." Yamada replied, his protective streak began to surface, he knew even if Yoshida demanded that he live, it wouldn't be wise to leave Kusumoto or Shiyu with him.

"You never seemed the type." Yoshida looked at him.

"Neither did you." Yamada answered, Izu began to pat Shiyu's leg, but he was glaring up at the drunken man. Not a speck of fear in his eyes, just determination. Izu was taking on the strongest feeling in the room, Yamada's protectiveness, not Kusumoto's fear.

"Well, you can go now." Yoshida told him. "I'm sure the kids are sick of playing."

"Their kids, Kusumoto, why would they be sick of playing?" Yamada asked, Yoshida turned his eyes from Yamada to the play pen, Izu continued to glare at him.

"How annoying...he's got your eyes." He muttered

"So I've been told." Yamada smiled proudly

"but, you should really leave, Kyoumi and I have... some business to attend to." Yoshida said

"No can do." Yamada took a sip of his tea.

"What?" Yoshida turned on him.

"I'm an old friend, but more importantly, I'm a hero." Yamada explained, he looked at Izu. "Izu, does he plan on hurt Kusumoto-san?" Izu looked at his dad, he nodded slightly. "Even my kid says so. I am staying here until I deem she and Shiyu-kun are safe."

"How would your kid now, he's what 7 months?" Yoshida smirked, as if catching Yamada in a lie.

"Izu has a brilliant understanding already, and he's an empath. He can tell your not a safe person to be around." Yamada said proudly.

"Ur..." Yoshida just seemed to grow angrier. "Get out of y house. NOW!" He ended up yelling, it caused the two boys to flitch, Shiyu began to cry, which was quickly followed by Izu, before Yoshida knew it, Yamada was on his feet standing right in front of him. He took a flinch back, the look in Yamada's eyes was not something he had seen before.

"Kyoumi, grab what you need. I am not leaving you in this place." Yamada said, his usual jovial tone gone, replaced with a neutral tone tinged with anger. Kyoumi's eyes filled with tears, suddenly realising she was able to get out of there. She quickly rushed from the room to pack some things

"You can't..." Yoshida began

"I am a hero, it's my job to protect people from the likes of you." Yamada stopped him. "So just try me!" Yoshida growled and went to punch him, Yamada easily dodged the drunken man's weak attempt, he little nudged him in the stomach, sending the man down with a grunt. He groaned, but didn't get up, Yamada frowned, he realised Yoshida had gone to sleep as loud snores filled the room. Yamada turned and picked up the two boys, holding them close. They soon calmed down, Izu glanced down at the sleeping man, and poked out his small tongue as if to say he deserved it. Yamada chuckled softly and kissed his forehead. Once Kyoumi had brought down stuff for her and Shiyu, Yamada passed her Shiyu, he put Izu in his carrier and pick up her case. "Let's get you to safety, okay?"

"Thank you..." Kyoumi whispered, her eyes filled with tears.

"It's no trouble, but I would advise you divorce that guy before he tries anything, and get full custody of Shiyu, I will help you if you want. Seeing I've the asshole myself." Yamada glared at the man, as they left the house.

"That would be a good idea... thank you." She nodded.

"Oh, and a restraining order. I'll grab the paperwork for you." Yamada smiled, his jovial tone returned, lighting up the conversation. He looked at his son. "Do you think I did a good job Izu?" He asked, Izu giggled and clapped his hands in agreement.

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