Forever friends

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It was another 2 days before Hizashi and Kyoumi let the boys go back. Izu and Shiyu stood at the day-care gates holding hands, looking worried.

"It will be okay." Hizashi knelt to their height, the boys turned to their dad. He put a hand on their shoulders. "You two will have to look out for each other, okay? Like how I have to take care of Uncle Aizawa at Yuuei." Izu and Shiyu giggled at that. "Now you enjoy your day okay? It seems like you little group of friends are waiting." Hizashi noticed their friends watching from nearby. Shiyu glanced over at them, they smiled and waved happily.

"They don't care either Yu-kun, they like you still." Izu told him, Shiyu smiled at them.

"Bye mom, dad." The boys hugged their parents before going over to their group.

"We were so worried about you!" Ose immediately burst out.

"Ose-chan beat up Kugo-kun, so he probably won't be in for a few days." Noguichi said

"He deserved it, he was mean about Shiyu!" Ose pouted.

"We're okay. We got cat too!" Shiyu smiled, the group gasped, and the conversation turned to Fuwafuwa. Kyoumi sighed and leaned against Hizashi.

"It's good to know they have some good friends." She smiled. Hizashi nodded in agreement.

"Well, I better head off, see you later." Hizashi kissed her forehead, and they parted to go to their jobs.


"Fuwafuwa is so cute, he sat on my shoulders!" Izu smiled brightly.

"He likes being petted, and purrs really loudly!" Shiyu added.

"So cute!" Mori gushed.

"And look!" Izu held up his notebook where All Might had sighed it.

"You met All Might?" Their friend gasped.

"He was talking to Uncle Nezu, and he gave me his autograph!" Izu beamed.

"Izu fell asleep on him." Shiyu smiled, Izu blushed.

"Aw, he is really nice, isn't he? Wow, I would love to meet him." Isa said, his tail wagging.

"Do you think we'll meet him again?" Shiyu looked at Izu, who nodded.

"I think we will." Izu said surely.

"That would be amazing, oho! I remember, we should pick nicknames! Like hero names, but ones we can use now!" Ose grinned.

"Izu names people with objects and words by using their feelings." Shiyu pointed out, he looked at his brother. "Want to pick nicknames for us Zu?"

"Um... if everyone is okay with that." Izu said

"We're okay with it!" They quickly said, they were all wanting to know how Izu felt about them.

"Your Yu." Izu tapped Shiyu with a smile.

"Only if your Zu." Shiyu told him, Izu nodded in agreement. Izu then looked at Noguichi.

"Harmony, because your so peaceful and keep peace between people." Izu smiled, Noguichi happily accepted it. Izu looked at Ose, she was practically jumping up and down in excitement, but he could feel that she was also afraid of what her name would be. "Shelter." He decided.

"Shelter?" She repeated.

"Yes, you may act out violently, but you act out to protect others, or yourself. You feel like a safe shelter, I know we can count on you Ose-chan." Izu beamed brightly, Ose looked at him. Tears sprung to her eyes, she sniffed and nodded.

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