Babysitting, Pro hero style

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"So, you guys got anything interesting happening tonight?" Ose asked, a small smile on her face. Shiyu and Izu looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Shiyu frowned

"It's a simple, well known fact that your whole family consists of major pro-heroes, and you two have been smiling like idiots all day." Ishiwata pointed out, Izu immediately went red.

"Have we really been smiling like idiots all day?" He asked, it was lunch and their small group were sat at their usual table.

"You've just been smiling all day, you don't look like idiots." Mori assured him, Izu sighed in relief.

"Well, our parents are going out tonight for a nice meal." Shiyu explained. "So, we're going to stay with some of our aunts and uncles."

"Which one are you going too?" Noguichi asked, grinning widely. "Please use hero names, that way we actually know who you are talking about."

"I am going to Power Loader's. It was the only logical choice as he is helping me on a project of sorts." Shiyu said.

"Ectoplasms, we going to do some karaoke!" Izu grinned. "I am really looking forward to it!"

"You sure love your music. How many instruments can you play now?" Rai asked

"Piano, Guitar and just learnt the drums." Izu counted them off.

"He has a list, he wants to learn to play the harp, violin..." Izu covered his brother's mouth, blushing.

"That's pretty cool Izu." Isa smiled.

"It helps me focus my own emotions." Izu said, removing his hand from Shiyu.

"He's a pretty good singer too, though it would be nice if he stopped singing in English." Shiyu said

"Dad got me into that music." Izu defended himself.

"He won't stop singing Disney songs either." Shiyu pouted.

"Disney songs are the work of geniuses!" Izu said

"Not when you hear your brother singing Let it go and Hakuna Matata Several times a day!" Shiyu told him.

"They are good songs!" Izu took a bit of his food, looking away from Shiyu. Their friends were laughing.

"What about Asako? Who's she going with, Midnight?" Mori asked

"Nope, she wanted to spend her time with Eraserhead, and our cousin Hitoshi." Izu shook his head.

"Really?" Noguchi asked, they had meet him once, on the way home from school. That had been an event and a half. "He doesn't look or seem like the kind of guy who would even care about kids."

"He works at Yuuei, he does care, but the students he teaches are..." Shiyu stopped, trying to think of a word.

"Assholes? Morons? Egomaniacs? Take your pick from any of them." Izu said

"Izu, you just can't say that!" Shiyu looked at him.

"I thought I just did?" Izu looked back, Shiyu groaned and shook his head. Izu chuckled. "Uncle Aizawa isn't a guy who wears his heart on his sleeves, but he is extremely caring and cool. I think she wanted to go so she could paly with Hitoshi and their cats."

"Ah, cats. Who can blame her?" Ose smiled, everyone nodded in agreement


"Uncle Zawa!" 2-year old Asako rushed at her favourite uncle, and embraced his leg. "Got you!" She beamed up at him, her platinum blond hair was tied into a pig tails, her emerald eyes gleamed in joy.

"Good job kid." Aizawa ruffled her hair, causing her to giggle. "Why don't you go and tackle Hitoshi, he's in the living room." She took off at his words.

"Thanks for this Shouta." Hizashi smiled.

"It's no trouble." He replied, the men heard a yelp from inside.

"ASAKO!" Hitoshi ended up crying out.

"Got you!" Asako cheered loudly. Hizashi smirked and patted Aizawa's shoulders.

"Good luck mate, you are going to need it." Hizashi said, before quickly taking off. Aizawa sighed, if he could deal with Izu as a kid, Asako wasn't going to be an issue... well, that's what he believed.

He was tempted to take his words back, Asako was handful, she was as excitable as Hizashi was. But luckily, you give her something she likes, and she quiets right down, in this case, Asako sat on the sofa petting their two cats. Both were lying over her legs, as Asako calmly petted them.

"I think I am going to have a bruise..." Hitoshi muttered rubbing his arm.

"You'll get over being sneaked up on by a 2-year-old eventually." Aizawa smirked.

"Hahaha, very funny dad." Hitoshi pouted at him. "I wonder what her quirks going to be..."

"I hope she doesn't become as loud as Hizashi, we'll never get any piece.


"And... there... I think this piece is gone." Shiyu held up the little piece he was working on, Maijima looked over it.

"Yep, looks good kid, start up on the next piece. I have almost got these bits ready." He motioned at several tiny glowing cylinders.

"Are those..." Shiyu began.

"Yes, I have to run a few tests on them, just to see if they work they way we want, then we can piece them with the part you just finished." Maijima nodded.

"Awesome!" Shiyu beamed, his idea going along perfectly. He grabbed the box of pieces for the second part of his item. Going over the list of pieces Maijima had given him, he began to work at working the pieces together. Almost... almost.


Izu and Ectoplasm had headed out to do some karaoke, After Izu finished a song, he joined Ectoplasm at a table as the place clapped.

"I never thought you could use your quirk like that." Ectoplasm commented.

"What do you mean?" Izu asked

"When you sing, you are able to manipulate the feelings of those who hear it to get the true feeling from the song." Ectoplasm smiled. "Well, that's what happened to me, and I bet it happened to others too."

"I never noticed that..." Izu muttered.

"It is possible it is just something that happens. After all you have no say over what you can and can't feel. Your quirk is rather passive in this case. You could be a very renown singer with it." Ectoplasm smiled

"Mom also said I could become a day-care worker or baby sitter. A friend suggested Teacher, but I think that would be a bad idea." Izu said

"I think you would be an even more terrifying teacher then Aizawa is." Ectoplasm smiled, Izu giggled and nodded.

"Yeah, but I am still set on being a hero!" Izu smiled, Ectoplasm nodded, knowing the boy wouldn't let go of that dream for anything.

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