On the look out

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Aizawa sat on top of a lamp post, tired eyes glancing around for any signs of movement from behind his goggles. He sighed lowering his goggles, it was late at night, almost midnight, and it had been a week since Izu had been taken. Nothing had been heard from Izu's kidnappers, they vanished along side the boy himself, which was a terrifying thought for everyone. No one knew if Izu was okay, which put a lot of strain on his family, Hizashi and Kyoumi had been granted leave of absence from their jobs, and Shiyu and Asako remained safe at home at all times. Aizawa used his eye drops and sighed.

"Eraser." The underground hero looked down to see All Might.

"Anything?" He asked, All Might shook his head sadly.

"This doesn't make any sense. Why would a villain kidnap the child of a hero without demanding a ransom?" All Might said.

"Maybe they just want to torture his family? Or they knew Izu was constantly surrounded by heroes, and hoped by taking him we would be so distraught by his disappearance we would stop working effectively." Aizawa suggested, he had had a long time to think about all the possible reasons. "But, you're right. This doesn't make any sense. This isn't logically at all." Silence fell between them.

"Yamada isn't doing too well, is he?" All Might frowned.

"No, Hizashi has always been so upbeat, ever since High school. Nothing could make him frown, believe me, I tried." Aizawa glanced up at the sky. "Now it's like he's been turned on his head. He won't smile, barely eats and sleeps. Hizashi is blaming himself."

"Just gives us all the more reason to find young Izu before anything bad happens to him." All Might said, Aizawa nodded in agreement. The pros went their separate ways to continue their search.


Kayama walked through the streets, keeping an eye open. She has been called by Kyoumi easier, she had knocked Hizashi out with her quirk, just so he could get some rest. She stopped as there was a clatter to her left, it ended up being a stray cat. She continued walking, ever since Izu had gone missing the streets had been clear of all people come nightfall. Even Villain's hadn't been showing up, she could only guess it was because of the increase in Hero activity in the area.

"Midnight?" Kayama turned to Ectoplasm, or at least one of his clones, she could never be too sure.

"We think we have found out first lead on Izu's location." Ectoplasm said "We've got the closest heroes, All Might and Eraserhead are heading to meet up now." Kayama nodded and followed him. Turns out their lead was a petty villain, who was currently being held back by Vlad King. Easer was being held back too, he was glaring at the villain, gone was his usually emotionless expression, in it's place was rage. All Might was much the same, gone was his smile, a frown in place. Yet he was keeping calm, easily holding Eraser back so the underground hero didn't leap at the villain. Kayama eyed the villain.

"I assume he knows Izu's whereabouts." Kayama said

"He was talking to another villain who we're currently trying to locate about an empath child of a pro hero." Vlad King said.

"Definitely Izu." Kayama smiled, approaching the villain. "Now, be a sweet and tell us where we can find him."

"I ain't telling you shit." The villain growled.

"Oh, so playing the hard game, well, that is fine by me!" Kayama beamed, and quickly put the villain to sleep.

"I'll take him to the police." Vlad said

"Eraser, go and tell Mic!" Ectoplasm looked at him. Eraser was off as soon as All Might let him go.


Kyoumi was awoken by a frantic knock at the door, even Hizashi stirred beside her. She got up to answer the door, and was surprised to see a somewhat rushed Aizawa.

"Aiz..." She began

"We have found a Villain who knows Izu's location!" Aizawa told her, she froze. Before covering her mouth. "Wake Hizashi, I'll get the kids up for you." She nodded and rushed back upstairs, Hizashi glanced at her in a daze as she came in.

"They have found a link to Izu!" Kyoumi gasped, Hizashi was soon awake. Aizawa woke Shiyu and Asako as Kyoumi and Hizashi rushed to get changed, before heading to the Police station.

They stood within a few heroes and an officer as they watched the interrogation of the villain in question, who just sat there, seemingly pleased at the fact he caused so many heroes pain by holding in information.

"Let me in there..." Hizashi growled, obviously trying to keep his quirk under control.

"No, you don't want to want to get into trouble." Kyoumi passed him Asako. "Can I go in? I might have away to get him to talk." After a little talk with the officer holding the integration, they agreed. They let Kyoumi speak to him, the officers stood back.

"So, they send in a woman, going to make me talk using your womanly charm?" The Villain smirked.

"They would have sent in Midnight with that sort of plan." Kyoumi told him. "now, you're going to tell me where we can find Izuku."

"Really now? And why are you so sure about that?" The Villain laughed

"I'm his mother." Kyoumi replied curtly, silence fell between them, and Izuku's location was finally revealed.

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