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Hey my name is Emily write and I'm going to start off with an intro of my everyday normal life so here goes... I am 15 and I have nine brothers! ya you heard me nine and I'm the only girl. there names and ages you might ask well here goes....

there's Sam and his twin Aaron there 20 and the oldest and both go to community college so they live us, then there's Logan he's 18 and is a senior at my school tangport high. then there's Alex and he's 17 and a junior. then there's me and my twin Jordan we're both 15 and sophomores. then there's Kyle and Tate there's also twins and there 14 and are freshman. then you have jake and he's 10 and is a fifth grader and last and not least carter and he's 5 so he's a kindergardener.

Oh and I live with my dad only because are mom died giving birth to carter and plus she was sick. it's ok though because we are all really close even though we lost our mom.

Oh and all my brothers even including carter are very overprotective of me, and I'm a daddy's girl to. but you see I'm not girly or a rich bitch even if I'm rich I don't show it. I'm a tomboy that's for sure. I wear t-shirts and basketball shorts. Nothing else just that. I'm also very fit we all are.

You see we all play sports, that's just us though. Sam and Aaron both play college basketball, Logan, Alex, Jordan all play football. Kyle and Tate there in track and cross country. Jake and carter play hockey. then there's me well I play soccer. my whole family knows how to play every sport that each of us play and are equally matched to. so if we were to play football I could play to perfection just as good as my brothers. we weren't forced to learn each other's sport we chose to.

Oh and I almost forgot we live in Florida, and my were rich but none of us show it off. we like to seem normal and give rather than receive. and that's my crazy life but trust me it hasn't even began to get crazy yet.

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