School 7

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Langston POV:

I followed Arri outside the building. She was walkin' fast as hell. "Aye, Arri hold up!" I yelled after her. She turned around and I saw that her face was really red. "What's wrong?" I asked when I finally reached her.

"Nothin. I'm just confused."

"Me too. What were they talkin' bout?"

"I don't know, and I don't like that Rashad didn't tell me about it. I just.... I don't know.... I need to clear my head" She turned and started walkin' away. I followed her.

"Wait. Want me to come with you?" I asked.

" I don't know. What about your classes?"

"Don't worry, I can ask J for the notes and stuff" she sighed and looked at her phone.

"Okay, but don't tell nobody where we goin'" She said as she started crossin' the street.

"Where are we goin' anyway?"

"The billboard." The billboard. I ain't been there since the night when we had that argument at J's house.

Arri POV:

I loved the billboard. It was the place where I went to just get away. I remember when we first found this place. We were all playin in the woods one day and we hiked to the top of the cliff and thats where we first saw it. It became our spot.

Langston and I finally got to the top. I immediately went and sat on the ledge of it. I could hear him come down beside me. I didn't look at him tho. I kept starin' off the cliff at the city. It was so beautiful. Up close it has many bad things about it, but when you look at LA as a whole, it's a really beautiful place.

"Brings back memories doesn't it"

"Huh?" I said lookin' at him, but he didn't look at me. He just looked at the city.

"The Billboard. Doesn't it remind you of when we were younger."

"Yea. Sometimes it reminds me of how we are now that we're older." He's lookin' at me now.

"What do you mean?" I stood up and started walkin' on the billboard ledge.

"You know... how everyone's changed. Their looks.....personalities......our friendships. It seems like everything's changing so fast. I don't know if I can keep up." He came and stood beside me.

"Where is this comin' from" he asked. I looked in his eyes. He was really concerned.

"Nothin' I just...I don't know. I've just been a little emotional lately." he gave me a little hug.

"Girl problems?"

"Yea"I mumbled. I wish that was all it was. "I'm sorry bout earlier"

"What?" He was still holding me, but he backed away so he could see my face.

"You know.... about when Rashad had came over. I didn't know that he was gonna act like that" He let go of me and put his hands in his pockets and looked back at the city.

"You good. I know you didn't plan it...... I think we should go now." he said. I could see him clenchin' and unclenchin' his jaw. What was wrong with him.

"Why do you want to leave so early? We haven't been out here that long"

"I just wanna go. No reason." He started walkin' off the billboard.

"Okay" I jumped off and we started walkin' back to the school.

Langston POV:

When Arri brought up Rashad I realized something. I'm never gonna be able to be just friends with her. My feelins are too deep for that. And to see her be with another person is killin' me. I'm gonna have to try my best to be friends and move on. Or at least look like I have.

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