Making Amends

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Lexi POV:

I watched as Julian carried Arri out of the Colorado airport in his arms. The whole flight here he stayed by her side. Langston and him had finally put aside their differences, and decided to both take turns looking after her over the trip.

I don't think neither of us was prepared for what went down earlier today. I'm just upset at the fact that she felt as if she couldn't come to us about this. I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but we were still her friends.

"Bae, you okay? " Day said as he slid into the drivers seat of one of the two SUVs we rented for the trip. He reached over the middle compartment and caressed my hand. U looked up and gave him a weak smile.

"Yea..." I looked back behind us and saw Julian settling into the back seat. Arri's sleeping body was laid across the rest of the seat, her head resting on Julian's chest. Langston and Miciah were in the middle row of seats. Miciah was on her phone. Langston was staring out of the window. He was rubbing his knuckles, I think they're bruise from the fight earlier. "... I'm just a little confused." I whispered, trying not to get the attention of the others.

"About what? " he asked, as he pulled of behind Mel, Frank, Ess, and Justin's SUV. Luckily, Langston demanded that Deidra stay her ass home with her punk ass brother. Thank god because I didn't have the patience to deal with her the whole trip. However, Lang never clarified if they officially broke up or not.

"I'm confused as to why she didn't tell us. We were her friends. We ARE her friends, and that's not something you keep from your friends. I mean the nigga was fuckin molly woppin her ass on the regular, and she just kept that to herself. Why didn't she leave? She fuckin left Lang for shit that was hella trivial compared to this nigga." I vented. I guess I really was getting into my feelings about the whole situation.

"Babe, getting out of a relationship like that isn't that easy. You have to look at it from her point of view. He might've been threatening her, or he may have constantly apologized and made promises to her that she truly believed. Whatever the reason, she chose to stay. And as for not telling us, that was her personal decision. How would you go about telling the ones you love that you're in an abusive relationship? She may have been embarrassed. We've all seen Arri as this strong, independent girl that wasn't knocked down by life, but when we finally saw her as this vulnerable and sensitive person it became confusing. She may have felt so alone, confused, sad, angry, and depressed. I know you may not see it as such, but it's understandable why she kept this to herself. " he said. Damn, why does he have to be so insightful? That's one of the reasons why I love him. I just nodded my head understandingly. I kissed his hand that remained intertwined with mine before turning forward and taking in the beautiful scenary of Aspen.

Miciah POV :

After about another half hour of driving, we finally arrived at the cottage that we were gonna be staying in (shown above) . Almost everyone besides me,Lexi, and Dayday were sleep. "Hey were here," I said shaking Julian awake. He and Langston switched spots when we had stopped for gas a few miles back.

"Hmmm.....oh thanks Mya," he moaned as he stretched from his nap. Wow, did he really get my name wrong?

"Your welcome, and its Miciah by the way " I said, correcting him. He looked confused as to why I said that.

"Yea.. isn't that what I said? " he asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"No. You said Mya."

"Well my bad. I'm horrible with names." He sat up and looked back to Arri and Langston in the back. She was laying with her head on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around her. Some of her more serious bruises were the most visible. The ones on her eye and neck were the most gruesome. "Bro, wake-up, " Julian said as he shook Langston's shoulder. I did the same to Arri, making sure not to touch any bruised part of her body. She stirred a bit before waking up.

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