What About Your Friends

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Deidra POV:

I smacked my lips together as I put on another coat of lipgloss. Gotta stay cute for my man. I got out my car and walked up to his door. Langston was actin weird earlier. He tried to convince me to not come over today, but I told him I was still coming cause it was hella boring at my house. I didn't want to sit there and be forced to look at my brother Darnell stipud ass all day.

I waited awhile before I heard the locks turning. The door opened, and I wanted to just die. "Hello Ms. Higgins, " I mumbled. I swear that this lady be on my ass bout everything.

"Deidra," she said. Wait! Hold the fuck up! Did this bitch just roll her eyes at me?!? She better be glad she the mother of my future baby daddy cuz she was bout to get the business.

I just walked past her into the house. I looked back as she closed the door, and noticed something on the coat rack. That tacky ass blue blazer from St Anna's. Oh hell naw!!!!!!! That heifer stayed here last night!

I stormed upstairs to his room. I wanted to bust up in that bitch, but the door was locked. "Langston!! Open this damn door!! I kno that ghetto trash was here!!! " I yelled as I banged on the door. I was furious, and it only got worse when the door swung open. "THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!??!!!?"

Arri POV:

I was laying on Lang's bed, listening to some of the Rangers' new beats on his laptop. He was at his desk finishing some homework, when we heard an annoying as screeching sound. It was Deidra's ass. "Get yo ho Langston." I said as I took off his Beats and went to the door. Since last night, we decided to be civil. We still ain't friends tho.

"Who? You the only ho I kno" he joked back.

"You're an ass " I said, chunking a pillow at his head. He smirked then turned back to his work.

I opened the door finally, Deidra was banging the shit out of it, and the look on her face when she saw me was fuckin fantastic.

"THE FUCK IS GOIN ON?!?!?!?!! " she yelled. Damn her voice was annoying. I leaned on the edge of the door and started twirling my hair.

"Why hello there Deidra. How are you today? Did you sleep well? Cause I know I did " I teased. I know I shouldn't stoop to her level, but I really can't stand the ho. Everyone knows she cheats on Langston with her ex. We're just waiting on him to catch a clue. In the background I could hear him snickering at my mean ways.

"Laney what is she talking about? " she yelled, entering the room.

"Damn Deidra calm down! She's just playing." he said annoyed. It was all kind of funny until I noticed something.

"Wait. What did you just say? "I asked Deidra because I don't think I heard right.

"Bitch I asked what the fuck you were talkin about " she said as she sat on Langston bed.

"No ho, not that. You called him Laney. Why the fuck you calling him that? I'm the only one who calls him that." I looked at Langston and he looked at me confused.

"Arri why are you mad? Its just a name, chill " he said. Wow, I can't believe this.

"It's just a name? What if I ran around letting random niggas call me Elley. Would that be just a name too " I asked furious.

"That's different. I gave you that name, so nobody else has the right to call you that."

"I gave you the name Laney, so why do you have this basic bitch callin you that? That's not her fuckin right or privilege. You're just letting her say that shit " I yelled. I looked over to her, and she had this smug ass smile on her face. "Bitch fix your fuckin face before I fix it for you " I said walking up to her. At this point, I didn't give a fuck. She already has taken over my life. What more did I have to lose?

"Bitch try me " she said standing up.

"Aye, y'all chill the fuck out." Langston said standing in between us. I was about a millisecond from dialing. 1-800-CHOKE -DAT-HOE when Betty walked in.

"Arri, honey Darnell and Becca are here for you " she said. I immediately smiled at those names and raced downstairs, forgeting all the shit that went on upstairs.

"Becca!!!!!!" I yelled as I scooped her up in my arms. Becca is Darnell's three year old daughter. Darnell let me meet her a week after the both of us met. He doesn't let many girls meet her because she never knew her mom, who abandoned them after birth, and he doesn't want her getting too attached to a lot of different girls. We've become very close these past few months. I see her as my own daughter sometimes, and me and Darnell as her parents, even though we aren't together.

"Mama!!!!" she laughed as I spun her around.

"Woah, that was a new name " I said as I put her down and looked at Darnell confused. He just smiled and shrugged.

"What can I say? She loves you like a girl loves her mom " he said.

"Well I love you too Becca " I said as tickled her belly. She laughed and ran behind Darnell's legs. She so cute. "You guys ready to go?" Darnell and I were gonna spend the day with Becca because she was about to start day care and would be outside of school for a while.

"YES! "Becca screamed, running outside to the car. Darnell and I just laughed.

"Babe, come on "he said, grabbing my hand and running with me outside. Did he just say babe? Maybe it was just a random thing I thought. I let it go. We all got in the car and headed downtown.

I know yall confused on some people so heres links to them




Sorry so short this is a filler, so bare with me you guys.

Thank yall for reading my stories

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