Giving All of Myself

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Arri POV :

"No Langston! You guys cheated!" I yelled as I tossed the pool stick on the billiard table. After we all got settled in, it was getting dark, so we decided to come down and chill in the game room. Somehow, Essi and I got into a pool contest with Langston and Frank.

"How do you cheat in pool? It's pure skill." Frank said, as he went over and sat down on the couch beside Mel. Essence went over and sat between Justin's legs. He was on the other couch watching Mickey and Julian go at it on the Wii. They were playing Just Dance, and surprisingly Mickey was beastin on Julian. Day and Lexi were cuddled up on the floor taking random pics and posting them on Instagram.

"I don't know, but you did " I said. I pouted my lips and sat on the pool table with my small legs dangling of the sides. I watched as Julian complained about "not being on his game," to Mickey. I laughed as she just rolled her eyes and started a new game.

"What's so funny? " Langston teased as he came over and stood between my legs. So far, I've enjoyed having his company during the trip. It's refreshing to not have to always be at each other's necks.

"Yo face " I teased as I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed slightly.

"Oh so now you got jokes? " he chuckled. I giggled and nodded uncontrollably. Langston just looked at me confused which only made it worse. "What's wrong with you? " he asked.

"N-nothing. " I managed to get out. Honestly, I was laughing at the fact that Lexi was taking pictures of us and Day was behind her making sexual innuendoes about me and Laney. I guess he saw me looking back because he turned around right at the moment Lexi snapped another picture.

"What are you doing? " he questioned. Lexi just smiled and turned around, walking away with dayday behind her. Langston turned back to me, licking his lips before placing his hands on my thighs. Initially, it sent a painful shock through my body, but I adjusted. "So, why don't we go get in the pool? " he whispered. I looked around, and it seemed as if no one was looking or listening to us.

"Uhm...... sure, but wouldn't you rather just stay here with the others" I asked, as I pulled down the sleeves of the Crooks sweatshirt that he let me borrow.

"Nah. I just wanna spend some time with you. Alone. " he bit his lip, which he knows makes me weak. I couldn't even utter another word. "So are you down,?"

"Uh huh,"

"Meet me in ten," he whispered before leaving out. Not long after that, Khori walked up to me.

"What was that all about? " she asked as she thumbed towards the door. Her eyebrows were raised so I knew she was eavesdropping on Lang and I's conversation.

"I don't know what you're talking about? " I lied, as I hopped of the pool table and went into the adjacent kitchen. I walked to the fridge with Khori following behind.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. You're about to you know what with Lang. " she hissed, looking back occasionally to keep watch.

"Okay, I know what you're talking about. But not a word of this gets out, do you hear me? Or Julian's gonna find out that his ex-girlfriend is sneaking around with his older brother." I threatened.

"You wouldn't! " she gasped. "How did you even....."

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you saw me and Langston leave for the store, and that we said we'll be back in an hour or two " I said, coaching her on the story to tell if the others get curious.

"Yea, whatever, " she said waving me away. I turned to walk away, but she gently grabbed my wrist. "Arri..... be careful. " she said. My face softened. I nodded gently and walked out of the kitchen and out of the gameroom towards the pool. I didn't bring a bathing suit considering it was winter. I guess I'll just sit on the side will Laney swam around.Langston POV : I was swimming along the deep end of the pool. She was late. Was she standing me up? Maybe she's embarrassed about her bruises? DAMN HER BRUISES! I'm so stupid. She probably thinks I'm a dick for suggesting that we do something that involves her getting half naked and showing almost every bruise on her body. "What was I thinking? " I mumbled to myself as I splashed some water. "I don't know. What were you thinking? " a angelic voice giggled from behind me. I turned to see Arri standing in nothing but the Crooks sweater I gave her earlier. I was so much taller than her, that it looked almost like a dress on her. Her long black hair was tied up in a bun on the top of her head. Even with her bruises, her smile made her look like the most beautiful woman in the world. "You came, " I finally managed to say. "Of course I came. I'm not some selfish bitch that would stand you up, " she said as she came to the edge of the pool and sat down, letting her feet glide in the water. I swan up behind her and propped my arms on the edge and looked at her. She looked down at me. "What? " "Where's your swimsuit? Aren't you gonna get in? " I asked, gently tugging on the arm of the shirt. "I would but I didn't bring a swimsuit because it's winter. And I didn't expect you guys to find our about you know what " she whispered the last part and hung her head low. "Hey," I lifted her head up with my fingers so I could look into her beautiful brown eyes. "It doesn't matter now." I whispered. She shook her head. "Besides you can always get in with the shirt on." "Are you sure? I mean its a really nice shirt," she said as she toyed with the hem of it. "Of course. It's just a shirt" I shrugged. "Well okay then." She inched her body deeper and deeper into the water. When she was done, she swam over to where I was. "Laney ...can I ask you a question? " she asked as she literally swam circles around me. "Well depends on the question? " I said. Then, sshe disappeared. She went under and quickly swam closer to the other end. Halfway there she emerged again. "Did you really mean everything you said to me that day after you guy's party? " she asked. "Wait, what party? The birthday party?" I swam a little closer to her, only to have her swim away. "Yea." "Yes, I did," I said as I remembered confessing to her how much I needed her. After I said that, she swam a little closer to me. She didn't have that giddy smile on her face anymore. Now she looked as if she was seriously regretting something. "Would you ever wanna......have kids? ...with me? " she asked, watching my eyes intensely. Woah! Where did that come from? "I mean.... yeah. One day. I would love to have little Langstons and little Elleys running around." I said, chuckling a bit. But she wasn't laughing. " Arri what's wrong? " "I'm sorry, " she mumbled. "Sorry? Sorry for what? " "I should've told you earlier, but with everything going on I couldn't. You wouldn't let me " she said as she backed away from me. "Told me what?? " I inquired as she got of the pool and began walking away. "Elley what aren't you telling me?!?! " I yelled as I watched her five foot one frame exit the area. After gathering my thoughts together, I decided to just gi back to my room and just go to sleep. When I walked in, everything seemed normal, but I noticed some small pieces of paper in my bed. I walked over to them. They were three envelope sized cards. On the back of the top one, there was writing. "CONCEIVED IN LOVE ------->" I read out loud. I flipped the cards over. I was confused. They were sonograms. I looked over them to try to figure out why they were in my room. The information says that it was a boy. Whoever this belongs to is lucky. I've always dreamed of having a baby boy. I read on. The pictures were only taken a few days apart, but the dates were between June 3rd and June 18th. I read on, and was immediately shocked. Once I read the patient's name on the photos, I dropped them to the floor. "June 3rd," I thought to myself. I was adding the dates up. " It was before my birthday, and the tour so .......... ah shit." That's my baby boy on those sonograms. She was pregnant?!?! I can't believe she was pregnant?!?! Why didn't she say that I had a son? That's not something you keep from someone. Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't Arri tell me that WE were having a baby?? I have to get to the bottom of this. But right now, I'm si overwhelmed that all I can do is cry. Cry tears of anger, sadness, fear, joy, but most of all tears of disappointment. Was she really gonna allow me to just miss out on my child's life? Why would she do that? I guess ill have to find out for myself. I wonder if this was what she was sorry about cause she's really about to be sorry.

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