I Be Representin'

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Darnell and I were waiting outside by Arri's car. She was 15 minutes late. I could tell by the look,on Darnell's face that he was as mad as I was that she was late.
"aye man where this chick at?" He yelled out of the blue. As if on cue, Arri approached us from the backside of the parking lot.
"Girl, where were you?" I asked.
" I was tutoring Pharell again today. He actually ended up teaching me a few things." She looked off into space. I knew what that meant. She gave him the cookies.
"Arrielle why do you insist on doing that?" Darnell asked as he went around to the passenger side and got in. I settled into the back, and Arri took the wheel.
"Doing what?" She asked as she started the car.and exited the lot.
"Sleeping around with random dudes on the regular. Don't you care for at least one of them?" I don't know why he insisted on getting in here business. We both know that her love life is a touchy subject for her.
" The last time I care for someone I slept with, I ended up heartbroken and humiliated.This time I'm gonna be the one coming out on top. Pun intended."
"See that's exactly what I mean. You make a joke out of that shit. It's not funny. I hate to see a girl that is as beautiful and talented as you sell herself short. Yeah, maybe some jackass hurt you in the past, but that doesn't give you the right to give your goods to boys who don't deserve it. That's fuckin selfish girl." Darnell vented. Woah, I guess he was feelin some type of way about the situation. I've occasionally thought about calling Arri out on her shit also, but it's better to just let her do her.
"Selfish?!?!? I see it as spreading the wealth. Besides why do you care who I do anyway?" She turned into the mall and parked in the first spot she saw. 
".....I don't. I just feel..... never mind, let's just drop it." He let out a sigh and got out the car.
" The fuck is his problem?" Arri asked once he closed the door. I just shrugged my shoulders. I'm just here to buy some shoes, not drama.

Julian POV:

I couldn't help but pause as I walked past Arri's bedroom. This year has really been something, and the majority us because of her. I decided to walk in and just have a look around for old times. 
I took in the unfurnished room. She had taken everything she owned with her when she moved into her new condo that was closer to her school. Everything was gone except an old rug and that framed tulip. I walked over to her closet, where she had left some of her old clothes that she had.
I began rummaging through them. It may seem as if I'm some kind of deranged stalker, but I'm just lonely. I don't have my best friend.here with me all the time, and I don't even fucks with Langston anymore. We could've been over that kissin shit, but he did my girl dirty, and I can't just ignore that.
"what's this?" I asked myself as I noticed a very small box that probably couldn't fit one sock in it.
I opened it up and looked at all the photos in it. I poured them all on the floor. The first one I picked up was a picture of her and I in a bathtub together. I smiled to myself remembering how much she hated taking a bath with me because I would always put water in her hair. I continued looking through the photos, most where of her and Langston -_-.
I was about to put them away, when I noticed a small envelope. It was about the same size as the other pictures. The envelope wasn't sealed, so I'm guessing she wasn't hiding anything. When I opened the envelopes and saw what was inside, I was quickly proven wrong. I can't believe what I'm holding in my hands right now. How could she keep such a huge.secret from us? From me? I'm supposed to be her best friend. wowwwwwww.
We really need to talk. I grabbed my phone out by pocket and dialed her new number. It went to voicemail. I tried again and got the same.results. I decided to leave a message.
"Arri, call me back as soon as you get this. It's important."
I hung up and just stared at the contents of the envelope. Damn. This shit cray.

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