Moments of Weakness

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Arrielle POV: (her night outfit in MM)

I quickly hopped out the shower when I heard the storm getting worse. I put on my clothes and threw my hair up into a messy bun, I didn't feel like fighting with it tonight. I'm glad I was going to spend the night at Mickey's because my extra clothes came in handy.

I grabbed my dirty clothes, neatly folded them and put them in my bag. I went over to the other side of the bed and tried plugging my phone charger in the wall. As soon as the metal touched the socket a bright spark shocked me, followed by the thunder and lighting outside. "Aah!!!!! " I screamed, dropping the charger and holding my now burning fingers.

The lights in the room began to flicker before finally going off completely. "Shit " I said to myself as I realized that I just blew the breaker. I couldn't stay in this room. It was bout to kill me. Madison's room was probably the safest right now considering it was downstairs and had no windows except in the bathroom. I picked myself off the ground and went in the hallway. It was pitch black dark un the entire house. I don't know how I was gonna manage to get downstairs.

As I walked down the hall I kept bumping into various unknown objects. My legs gonna have bruises for days, but I was doing fairly well. I took a step and didn't realize that the hallway had ended... and the stairs started. Before I fell to my death, I felt someone grab me by the waist, keeping me from experiencing a tragic fall. I turned around and saw Langston holding me with a flashlight in his mouth. "Uhm.... thanks. I didn't know the hall ended" I said as he released me.

"Obviously. You know you should really watch where the fuck you going. Ain't nobody tryna have CSI all up in here " he responded coldly. 0_0. Did this nigga really just say that.

"You know what, I take my thank you back. All you had to do was say was your welcome. But no, you had to be the asshole and do the extras. Move the fuck out my way." I said, pushing him out of my way and making my way to Madison's room.

"And where the hell you think you're going? " he asked. I could hear him following me. " To Madison room. Its fuckin safer in there. Besides, I would rather be there than up here with yo fugly ass." I felt the wall and tried to guide myself to the room. "Why don't you ask for the flashlight dumbass " he said as he bumped into me. He stood in front of me and turned the flashlight he had off. It was giving me a little light but now I'm completely blind. "Stop being an ass Langston. Turn the light back on. Damn." I said. Ugh he's such a douche.

Langston POV :

"And if I dont?" I teased, flashing the light on and off in her face. I knew she was on the edge of snapping, and I wanted to be the one to push her over. 

"Langston I'm warning you. Get that damn light out my face!" she yelled as she snatched at the light in my hand. I raised it above her head and made her jump for it. 

"Yea, that's right. Jump for it." I continued to tease. I just laughed. She really was trying her hardest even though I'm almost a foot taller than her.

Arrielle POV :

This bitch was really getting on my nerves. He thinks that just because he's taller and stronger than me that I can't really do anything. But he's wrong because I'm a woman, and we women get EVERYTHING we want.

I stopped jumping for a sec and pulled my wild hair from the bun it was in. I shook it a bit and threw the scrunchy down the dark hall.

"What the hell are you doing? " he asked, looking stupid af.

"Getting the damn flashlight." I said before pressing my body very close to his, causing him to be pressed against the wall. You see, it's very easy for a female to take advantage of a male because males think with their hormones and not with their brains.

"You n-need to b-back up" he studdered, as I ran my fingers over his chest. He was making no effort to push me away, so I know it was working.

"But why " I slightly whined, "I just want the flashlight." I licked his earlobe a little before gently biting it. I heard his breathing increase as he let out a faint moan. Damn I'm good. 

"I know what you're tryna do, and it's not gonna work. Two can play that game" he said a little to cocky for my liking. He needs to learn that I run this shit.

I grabbed his dick and balls in my hands and applied enough pressure to the point where he had to be completely still or there would be some damage. 

"Really Langston? Do you really think YOU can play THIS game? " I squeezed tighter and kissed below his neck. He moaned / whimpered with a mix of pain and pleasure. He nodded his head quickly.

"You're gonna pay for this " he whispered before dropping the flashlight. FINALLY. I rolled my eyes, released him, and went for the light. I was immediately swept from off my feet. TF!.........

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