A Little Change is Sometimes Needed

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Mickey POV :

I walked up to the driveway of Arri's best friend's house. It was bout a half hour drive here, but since today was sunny, it wasn't that big of a deal. I fixed my top and continued up to the door. "I hope someone's home " I said to my self before knocking. It was a couple of seconds before I heard noises from the other side.

The door swung open, revealing a light skin boy that looked to be my age and a couple inches taller than me. His body was full of tattoos. He was shirtless, so I could see all of them. I scanned over a few, but I found myself staring at a Spiderman one on his chest. It was amazing how real it looked. I didn't realize that I was reaching out to touch it until I felt his hand around my wrist. I looked up to his brown eyes, and he stared back into mines.

"Can I help you?" He asked. I could tell that my face was red with embarrassment.

"Uhm.... are y-you Julian? Arrielle's friend?" I asked. He released my wrist and crossed his across his chest, and leaned against the door frame.

"Depends. What do you want?" His brows furrowed with curiosity.

"Well, I'm Miciah, one of her friends from St. Anna's. But you can call me Mickey." I reached my hand out for him to shake. He just looked at it. I pulled it back. "Well then. The reason I came her was to talk to you"

"About what? Is she okay?" He had a look of panic on his face.

"No! ....well yes.... she okay but she's not...." I couldn't concentrate while he was like this. "Okay can you please go put on a shirt or something cause I can't focus on why I'm here." He seemed shocked by my sudden outburst. He soon smiled and pushed himself off of the door frame. His smile was kinda cute. It brightened his whole face. I caught myself staring, once again.

"Sure. Mickey, right? " I nodded in agreement. "Well Miss Mickey, would you like to come in? "

"Yea " I walked past him into the house. I heard the door close and footsteps behind me. Followed by a low moan. I know this nigga ain't checkin out my ass. Pig. I turned around and caught him doin it. He didn't even try to hide it.

" I'll be right back. Just take a seat over on that couch." He instructed before heading upstairs.

Darnell POV:

I watched as Arrielle and Becca played on the slide together. She was so good with her. As they reached the bottom, Arri's eyes met mine. I couldn't help the smile that came to my lips. She whispered something in Becca's ear. Becca suddenly got up and ran over to me. "Hey baby, are you having fun?" I said as I knelt to her level.

"Yes daddy. Mommy wants to get ice cream. Can you take us. She says lame gonna try to run game on us." She said. I chuckled at her innocence. I looked up and seen Arri walking towards us.

"Really. Did you really tell her that y'all gonna get hit on." I said.

"Yea. We looking mighty fine today. Right Becca?" She said.

"Yep." Becca snapped her fingers and popped her p. Wow. I can tell that these two are gonna be a handful. "Come on, daddy. I want ice cream! " Becca grabbed onto my shirt, pulling me from my thoughts. "Okay baby, " I knelt down to her level and pulled a dollar bill out my wallet. "Why don't you go ahead and save us a spot in line. We're right behind you." I said giving her the dollar. She didn't even hesitate to run off, which was a little scary, but I let it go. "She's a really sweet kid, you know " Arri said as she looked off in Becca's direction. "Yea. She gets that from her mom," I sighed, thinking of Becca's mom. Christina. "Whatever happened to her anyway? How could she just leave you with Becca? " she asked. I watched as she started towards Becca. I quickly followed. "Well when I was younger, my mom left my dad and us. Just up and left with no warning. " I began. She turned towards me with sympathetic eyes. "Omg. Darnell I'm sorry. " "Don't be..... Well you could say that my dad and I developed some animosity towards her. Towards all women actually. " I was becoming more and more hesitant to tell her the rest because it would kill any chances of me getting with her. "As his relations with women progressed, he became more and more possessive. He would always tell me that no woman could be trusted, not even my own sister. " "He was right about the sister part." she mumbled. I don't think she knew I heard her. I chuckled tho because it was funny. She soon joined in. "Sorry, you may continue." We just continued to walk and talk. Hopefully she won't turn up when I tell her the rest.Julian POV: "So you're telling me that going on this little vacation would change her attitude about her life? " I questioned Miciah. She suggested that before Arri's birthday that we all, as in the whole crew, take a trip to Aspen and just chill. She seems to think that being with just her close friends would get her out of her reckless ways. She fails to realize that there's bound to be some drama throughout this whole trip. "I don't know. I just have this feeling that this won't end well " "Please Julian, " she begged as she took hold of my wrist. "I really care about her, and I think that she's gonna get into some serious trouble if she keeps foolin around with these guys." I looked at her confused because she was still holding onto my wrist. Her skin felt so soft on mine. I slowly removed her hand from mines. I'm not going through this shit again. "Okay. Fine, but under one condition. " I said getting up from off the couch we were sitting on. She got up so enthusiastic. Pause my nigga. It's not that serious. "What? " "You have to plan everything. This was your idea, so you are incharge of this trainwreck. And you better believe it's gonna be some problems. " "Yay! Thank you Julian! This is gonna be great! " she cheered as she embraced me in this awkward ass hug. I cleared my throat, signaling for her to back the hell up off me. "Sorry. Well uhm...... just tell everyone and I'll do the rest." She got her things and left out. This is gonna be interesting. All of us in a house for two weeks. Arri and Lang don't talk. I don't talk to him either. No one likes Deidra. Khori and I make things awkward. Darnell and Lang ain't exactly bffs. Mel and Frank and Essence and Justin are in their honeymoon stages, and Lexi and Day are.......shit they're Lexi and Day. Miciah don't know what she's gotten herself into.Essence POV: Melody, Frank, Justin, and I were all chillin at the beach. Since we all were the new couples we decided to do a little double date. Lately everyone has been focused on their own lives so we just wanted a change of scenary. "Frank, you and Justin better put those buckets down. We just got our hair done!" Melody warned. They were walking towards us with two huge buckets, assumed to be filled with water. I quickly got up and started backing away. I loved my hair too much to let her get fucked up by some h2o. "Why y'all even get y'all hair done to go to the beach anyway? Did y'all forget that the fuckin Pacific ocean was in walkin distance? " Justin said. "We were just gonna sit out and look cute. Ain't nobody said nothing about swimming" I said. He just smirked. Before I could even protest, I saw the bucket mid air seconds before it dropped and splashed over me. I looked and saw Mel already after Frank ass. I looked at Justin. He tried to look apologetic, but he couldn't hide the smirk on his face. "Oh so you think this is funny? " I hissed as I approached him. "Babe, I'm sorry. It slipped. " "How does a bucket SLIP and flies a foot in front of you Justin? " "Uhm....it....uhm " Without warning, he took off like a bat outta hell. "JUSTIN!!!!! GET YOU'RE CUTE ASS BACK HERE!!!!!! " I yelled as I ran after him. He just kept running and laughing. Damn he's fast. "Ahhhhhh!" I yelled, faking a cramp in my leg. I watched as he stopped and quickly ran over once he saw that I was in "pain ". "Babe. Are you okay?!? " he said as he examined my leg. "Where does it hurt? " "RIGHT HERE!," I yelled as I smashed his head into the sand. I couldn't control my laughter as he looked at me all salty and shit. "That shit wasn't wavy Essie. " he hissed. I continued to laugh. Now he know how I felt. "Awww. Is baby Dior mad?? " I cooed as I pinched his cheeks. He lightly slapped my hands away. "You better be glad I love you cuz any other nigga would've caught these hands." He joked. There it was again. Those three words that I couldn't say back. Don't get me wrong, I do love Justin,but I wasn't really sure if I was ready to actually confess my love to someone. Lately, that's all he's been doing, and everytime I don't say it back or change the subject, he zones out. Like now. He's not even looking at me anymore. He's just staring blankly at my fingers like he always does. I believe he's starting to develop a fetish for them. Like seriously -______-.Melody POV : "Come on Frank. Come back up. You're scaring me now." I said as I stood in the water. Frank ran in here while I was chasing him, and he hasn't come back up yet. I was about to go under and look for him, when I feel a sudden touch on my leg. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!! " I screamed as I jumped around, trying to get away. All of a sudden, Frank emerged, laughing his ass off. "You fuckin asshole! That wasn't funny!" I yelled as I hit his chest. "You should've seen your face " he joked. I just rolled my eyes and began walking away from him. "Fuck you Frank" I said as I walked past him. "Awwwww " he cooed as he grabbed onto my waist, pulling me into him. "Don't be mad. I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd freak out like that." He kissed my neck and I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. "That scared the shit out of me Bug." I pouted. I betcha wondering why I called him Bug. Well it's my nickname for him because he's so small and cute like a ladybug lol. Hence the name Bug. "Well I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you" he seductively whispered before he crashed his lips into mine. Our lips moved in sync as his hands traveled to my ass. His tongue skimmed across my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I denied him, knowing where this would lead if I allowed him in. He suddenly grabbed my ass, picking me up, which cause me to gasp and therefore inadvertently granting his tongue entrance. Our tongues wrestled together hungrily as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moaned a little as I gently sucked on his bottom lip. I had to pull away quickly as I felt him tug at the strings of my bikini bottoms. "Frank, wait" I said catching my breath. "What's wrong? " He looked at me with furrowed eyes. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just not ready to go THERE yet." "Oh." That was all he said. There it goes. That word that let me know that he was salty af. I just rolled my eyes. "Frank please don't do that " I hissed. I really didn't want to argue with him today. It's been such a good day too. "Do what?" He said placing me back down in the water. "This. You're making me feel bad cuz you said 'oh' which tells me that you're fuckin pissed." I snapped. "What am I making you feel bad about Mel?!?" He snapped back. "You're making me feel bad because I don't wanna have sex with you! You know how I feel about waiting until I'm married to have sex. Yet you always wanna put me in positions where I have to constantly shut you down and I'm getting sick of it! " I yelled before I walked off. "Mel!......Mel come back! ...........MELODY!!!" Frank yelled after me. I just ignored him and walked back to where Justin and Essence were. "Hey boo, are you okay? I heard a lot of yelling over there. " Essence asked. I nodded yes, obviously lying, as I sat down and silently watched the sun set, occasionally glancing over to see Frank doing the exact same thing by the water. Watching him got me to thinking. Am I really being realistic with my vow of waiting till marriage? Maybe Frank has a right to be angry? I do tease him a lot. Maybe I just blew this whole thing out of proportion. I looked over to Frank again, only to be met with his awaiting stare. He looked so apologetic and sincere. I could tell that me being angry was eating away at him. I gave him a sweet smile to assure that I'm fine now. His eyes lit up as he smiled back and turned towards the setting sun. Continuing to give me the extra alone time that he knew I needed.

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