School 9

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Langston POV:

I was in the living room watching old home movies. I don't know why but they always seem to calm me down. I thought about going to the billboard but I really didn't want to risk being bothered. What I saw today really pissed me off....seeing the woman that you love with another man really fucks up a day. I was about to put another movie in when I heard knockin at the door. I looked out the window and didn't see a car in front. I got up and fixed myself because I know I look like a bum right now. I opened the door, and immediately my heart dropped.

"Langston...I know I'm the last person you want to speak to right now but.." Arri rushed out, but I cut her off.

"Arri, I know you mean well and all........but I don't think now's the time for this" I could see something change in her. Not a look or anything, but something that was deeper.

"I know...I know... I just need a quick minute.....just please listen to what I have to say." I could hear her voice start to shake. I hated seeing her like this.

"Come in" I sighed before moving to let her enter. She didnt look at me as she entered. She just stared at the floor. I closed the door and walked behind her to the living room. " Aren't you supposed to be at the tryouts??" I asked as I sat down in the chair across from her. She looked offended.

"...uhmm...yeah. Mel covered for me........"she looked down and started playing with her fingers. That was a habit that she had since she was little. She's scared. "Langston.... I really want us to be friends when we were younger."

"I thought we were friends Arri...................we are friends"

"You know what I mean" she said getting up and pacing around the room. "How we were...before the feelings...the drama...........................the sex" she stopped pacing and looked at me.

"....what do you mean 'the sex'??? I thought the sex was amazing......did you????" I was a little lost on where she was gettin at. I thought she enjoyed the sex. I thought I saw the hint of a smile, but it went as fast as it came.

"Laney that's not the issue" she said. I don't think she realized that she called me Laney. "The problem is that when we started fooling around, our friendship suffered. Too many feelings got involved.... strings were attached....." She came and sat down next to me

"So your is why we have all this drama......" I said a little confused. I know what I'm about to say is gon make her kick my ass, but I have to know.

"Well yes....and no. But I think that if we..." she looked like she was feeling better now.

"Why did you sleep with Rashad?!?!?" I blurted out. She looked at me with so much disgust and hatred.

"WHAT!!!!!...........YOU THINK I HAD SEX WITH HIM!!!! You got to be fuckin kidding me..." she said as she got up and was about to storm out, but I grabbed her arm.

"Wait...I'm sorry it's just....when I saw you come out the supply room with him..." she only looked at the ceiling. "Elley look at me."

"Don't call me that"

"Sorry... I jumped to conclusions instead of asking you... I was wrong" she went and sat back down on the couch. I followed her. " Look, I'm sorry I keep making you feel bad for moving on" she wouldn't respond. " But I love you....and I always will.....SOOOOO" She looked at me and grinned. "I will be single Langston with you, and I will see you as single Arri"

"Wait what????" she had a confused look on her face.

"This is gonna be fun" I said with a smirk on my face.

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